Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, May 28, 2006

1 baby-free evening + 1 sleep-in morning + uninterrupted chores = 1 rested and happy mommy

Shaun's parents offered to have Patrick for a sleep-over party last night! Shaun and I didn't do anything special -- we relaxed, read, watched TV and then slept in. I got up early and got some stuff done that I can't do when Patrick is around. And now I'm actually bored! A very weird feeling!

Shaun is still sleeping but it will end shortly as I need to vacuum before Patrick re-appears. Right now I'm on my way upstairs to put away 2 basketfulls of clean laundry. It will be nice to have the house pulled back to semi-normal before he returns -- not sure when that will be!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Stuff I do to earn stuff while not "working"

So this is a post I have considered writing for a while: a post to tell you about all the little online things I do to occupy myself and earn 'stuff' while not really 'employed'.

I belong to 3 survey groups: NDPOR, Ipsos I-say and webperspectives.

I've belonged to NDPOR for ages and ages and really enjoy doing their surveys. Besides letting the world know your opinion, you get to 'test drive' new products via description and twice I've been sent products to try in my home. One which actually was marketed, and one that was not. I got to 'test drive' Vim thick bleach while I was still living in Orangeville. I LOVED it. I still do! I still use it. The other product I got to try was Campbell's Double Tomato Soup. It guaranteed an extra tomato in every can. I couldn't taste the difference and thought the price increase wasn't enough to make me purchase it. As far as I know, it was never marketed in stores. Above and beyond that, for every survey you complete, your name is entered in a draw for cash! I have never won. If you're interested in giving your opinion, I suggest you check them out. Its free to join and I find it really interesting.

I belong to Iposos I-say, but I don't get anything from them very often.

I also belong to another survey company, webperspectives. I've only been a member for about a year now. Before you take one of their surveys, you take a short intro-survey to see if you are in the demographic they are looking for. If you are, you then proceed to a longer, sometimes VERY MUCH LONGER survey. I am rarely in the demo, but it is exciting when I am because if I complete the survey, I get $5 deposited into my PayPal account! Very nice! Regardless if you qualify by being in the Demo or not, you are always entered into a cash draw. I have never won.

I am also a Bzz Agent. This is my newest online thing. Basically a bzzagent is someone who is enthusiastic about new products. Depending on how your answer their surveys, you are offered opportunities to try new products and then share your opinion about them with everyone you can. You then report back to the 'hive' about what you said (aka the Bzz) and earn points towards great rewards! I am currently on my first 'assignment' and am reading the book "Anyone out there" by Marian Keyes. So far it is a terrific read -- very different from other books I have read, and I'm quite captivated by it and can't wait to see how it turns out!! I'll post more about that later. Currently, they are looking for more CANADIAN Bzz Agents, so sign up! Its totally free!!!!! And be sure to mention I sent you (use my hotmail address) because I'll get more points!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

stuff and junk

My Uncle John and his friend Valerie came over yesterday. The reason for the visit was to give us a selection of books, videos and toys that were no longer needed as Uncle John is moving into a condo. They were able to stay for lunch and we had a nice visit.

Patrick has been out of sorts since we returned from Orangeville. He's just not feeling the best. He's tired and sad... and it seems as though something is truly bothering him. I wish I knew what it was so I could make him feel better.

I have been feeling guilty lately that I have yet to scrapbook Patrick's birthday parties. I know I need to get it done and feel accomplished but I just don't have the drive. I am planning to print out some pictures today, so hopefully that will propell me in the right direction!

Besides that, I just feel yucky. My stomach is upset and I am exhausted. Hopefully it won't last too long!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

In Orangeville till Sunday

Howdy everyone.
Shaun is on a work-related trip, so Patrick and I are here in Orangeville spending time with family!

We're having a great time, despite all the construction south of Chatsworth on Highway 10. Stupid contstruction.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of a visit from Charlene! She was able to come for dinner and we had a great time chatting and getting caught up. Its been so long. I hope we can do it again soon.

Today we're hoping to get to the Bulk Barn before lunch, and then we're meeting Sara et. al. to go to the park at Mono Center! Patrick LOVES swings and I am glad I will get to spend more time with my sister.

Tomorrow we're going to WalMart (Sara, Janae, Mom, Patrick and myself) and then for lunch at Pizza hut for the buffett YUM. In the afternoon Shaun will arrive, and then we're going for dinner at Swiss Chalet YUM again!!! I'm so spoiled.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

So much for "Mother's Day"

Shaun is working. He spent yesterday doing pretty much what he wanted when he wanted to. I forgot he was working today and I was looking forward to doing pretty much what I wanted when I wanted today. But that won't happen. On top of that, he took the van so if I want to go anywhere I have to walk.

Patrick woke up grumpy. He screamed when I took him out of the crib, so I put him back in. Soon after he did want out, but wasn't too thrilled about getting a clean diaper and dressed. He fussed through breakfast and through play time. He got very angry with me when I re-directed him away from his favourite new toy: Shaun's X-box. He got especially angry when I put him in the play pen so I could fold laundry without him getting into the cat food. I put him down to nap and he cried. Finally he fell asleep and I thought I'd be able to do something I wanted -- weed the front garden.

I got outside and pruned a few dead branches off my favourite flowering bush and then attacked the garden. I was surprised it wasn't very bad, but I was unable to finish as the bugs were so thick and annoying. Aggitated, I put the gardening equipment away and finished off by sweeping the front porch, but its so windy it just kept blowing back at me. Frustrated I came inside and wrote this.

now I'm going to shower.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ahhh... refreshing cold air

Today is a big day. We're getting our central A/C unit installed!!! yippie!!!

Last year we only had a window unit, installed in the kitchen. It was a loaner from my sister and we were very very happy to have use of it. Patrick and I lived either in the kitchen, or in the basement. But eventually all the cold in the basement was replaced with heat.... I remember that. I remember how hot and humid and uncomfortable we were and how we begged for a good rain storm to come and clear away the heat and let us sleep comfortably -- just for one night. I remember sleeping, on my stomach, in the middle of the living room, with patrick in the swing in the dining room. I remember coming back from walks and cranking the little unit and just standing there cooling off.

This year we should be more comfortable. YAY!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I miss sleep

Of all the things I gave up, or that changed because I became a mother, I miss sleep the most.

In the beginning, of course, I walked around in a fog. Sometimes I didn't even know if it was day or night, and days began awfully early, and nights ended very late.

And then it improved! Patrick started sleeping through the night, and although he got up super early (5ish) I was getting continuous sleep and it was a great improvement.

And then life got REALLY GOOD. He would go to bed at 6 and sleep right through to 6. 12 whole hours!! We were getting used to a good nights sleep when disaster struck: 5 o'clock resurfaced with avengence.

And now we try to keep P up until 7 and hope he'll go to 6, but it hasn't been happening lately. I started napping with him in the afternoon to keep up with my sleep and I'm finding it much easier to function now that I am napping, but I can't help but feel guilty neglecting things that I should be doing while he naps. My house isn't totally a disaster yet, but is my sleep more important? I like to think so, but then I feel so lazy.

Monday, May 08, 2006

I (heart) ebay

It was only a few short weeks ago that I discovered ebay. I knew of its existance, of course, but I didn't know how GREAT it was for finding things for great prices.

Many of you know I collect the "For Better or For Worse" series by Lynn Johnston. Its a cartoon series that is decades old. Most of the books are now out of print BUT you can find gently used copies on ebay. I have now purchased 7 of them and ALMOST have the entire collection! I can't wait to read it from the beginning to the current end.

But the prices are what get me most. These books are OUT OF PRINT therefore you can't get new ones, and people are selling them off at rock-bottom prices! ALL of my books were LESS than $6.00 (USD). Even with shipping I'm paying LESS than the price on the back of the book! Amazing!

I've also discovered paypal which is such an amazing tool. You can use your VISA and they do all the currency exchange calculations, AND keep your VISA number private from the sellers!

Now I just need to learn how to sell so I can make some money too!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Blah Friday

Overcast and rainy, not that I really mind! Our new grass sead will be happy to be rained upon, and it means we don't have to water it!

Patrick is still not feeling well after his shots :( He's tired and sad. He is upset but he doesn't know what he wants and we're having trouble keeping him happy. I know its the shots bothering him because he's usually such a happy guy!! I hope the effect isn't lasting.

Today we're cleaning again. I think I'm done. I just have some laundry left to do and some running around to accomplish. Also, I'd like to get Patrick to baby group, but unless he naps soon, he won't be rested and happy enough to go at 1 p.m.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hopefully it won't rain the whole time.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Tribute to Great Aunt Pete

Great Aunt Pete, or just Aunt Pete as we called her, was Grandma Fessy's older sister. Grandma and Aunt Pete also had 2 older brothers. Before Pete was born, the two brothers had decided that their mother was pregnant with another boy, and they were going to call him Pete. When she was born, her parents named her Eleanor, but her brothers called her Pete. And so she was known. Growing up I never questioned that she had a typical boy's name. That was simply her name. Everyone called her that: family, friends. I'll never forget the panicked look on one woman's face when my grandmother came into the church washroom and asked"Pete are you in here?" ha ha!

When we were little, my sister and I would sometimes spend time at Aunt Pete's house when were visiting G&G Fessy in Alcona. She had this great collection of --- I'm not sure what substance they were -- clay maybe -- animals that were highly varnished. We used to set up farms all over her living room floor. She also had a collection of comic books that she would bring out for us, and we'd spend hours reading them in the spare bedroom. I remember loving her bathroom -- all her fixtures were a pale blue. I thought it was very unique!

My Nama (my mom's mom) and Aunt Pete were terrific friends. I'm not sure if they ever corresponded by mail or telephone, but whenever we all got together they were best of friends. I have a great picture, somewhere, of the two of them at Thanksgiving in St. Jacobs with HUGE sundae's infront of them.

Eventually the house became too much for her, and she moved into the park where my grandparents lived. She had a nice little home and she had people to take care of the lawn, gardens and snow removal. She would come over to my grandparents' place when we would visit and we'd all sit around talking. I loved that she spoke her mind. She was always very frank about what she thought. I liked that she didn't try to hid her true feelings.

About 2 years ago, Aunt Pete was moved into a care facility. She really didn't want to go, but she was on so many medications and spent so much time sleeping that it was likely the best decision, it just wasn't handeled very well. Sara, Mom and I went to visit her in her home one last time and she had a few things on the dining room table. She asked us to take whatever we wanted. I took a cake plate, and mom took a bowl. I can't remember what Sara took. But they were all unique pieces -- just like Aunt Pete.

The last time I saw Aunt Pete was at my Grandmother's funeral this past July. She got to meet Patrick and that was important to me. This past Christmas I sent her a card that had lots of pictures of Patrick in it.

I feel robbed of having the opportunity to attend a service for her. I think its rotten that her son didn't feel that this was something he needed to do. I am glad, however, that she is no longer in pain and has been re-united with her sister.

I'm glad I have a place like this to let the whole world know about her, a place where I can remember her for who she was.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My Great Aunt Pete died...

... on April 7th and no one bothered to tell us until today.

How horrible is that?????

My Dad's cousin called him to say she had been trying to call Aunt Pete (her real name was Eleanor -- but thats a whole other story) and her phone had been disconnected. She finally found out from Aunt Pete's son that she had died, and they couldn't be bothered with a big funeral and they were leaving for Florida next week.

I am angry! This woman was a big part of my WHOLE life. She usually came with G&G Fessy to visit us and I thought of her as a 3rd grandmother. She was there for birthdays, weddings, and Christmas. How dare he not tell the rest of the family? All he had to do was pick up the phone and tell SOMEONE but he couldn't be bothered. I have never EVER heard of a more self-centered selfish person in my life. I just wish I had his address or phone number so I could tell him so.

May Day

" the first of may is pinch-bum day" Hehehe. So watch your behinds today!

We had a terrific weekend. It was super busy though! After P's party on Saturday, after all the company was gone except my parents who were spending the night, after all the party mess was cleaned and things put back to normal, Dad and Shaun went to work on the shed and mom and I took care of Patrick and relaxed!

Yesterday, we all worked outside: Dad and Shaun finished the shed YAHOO, and while Patrick had his morning nap Mom & I dug plants from the pool garden for transplant at Shaun's moms and in Orangeville. We got 3 Hostas, LOTS of Atumn Seedum and tulip bulbs. It was worth it!! I'm glad we were able to 'save' those plants before we dig out all the soil.

After my parents went home, Shaun and I watched some CSI Season4 that we'd rented on DVD and then watched the Sunday night line up -- Simpsons, war at home, family guy, american dad... I was asleep before family guy was over which is fine with me.

So Shaun has gone to work today 8-8, and P is having his morning nap. I'm getting caught up on blogging (yes I backdated, so sue me) and the journal and making our schedule for the week.
