Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, May 05, 2006

Blah Friday

Overcast and rainy, not that I really mind! Our new grass sead will be happy to be rained upon, and it means we don't have to water it!

Patrick is still not feeling well after his shots :( He's tired and sad. He is upset but he doesn't know what he wants and we're having trouble keeping him happy. I know its the shots bothering him because he's usually such a happy guy!! I hope the effect isn't lasting.

Today we're cleaning again. I think I'm done. I just have some laundry left to do and some running around to accomplish. Also, I'd like to get Patrick to baby group, but unless he naps soon, he won't be rested and happy enough to go at 1 p.m.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hopefully it won't rain the whole time.