Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

stuff and junk

My Uncle John and his friend Valerie came over yesterday. The reason for the visit was to give us a selection of books, videos and toys that were no longer needed as Uncle John is moving into a condo. They were able to stay for lunch and we had a nice visit.

Patrick has been out of sorts since we returned from Orangeville. He's just not feeling the best. He's tired and sad... and it seems as though something is truly bothering him. I wish I knew what it was so I could make him feel better.

I have been feeling guilty lately that I have yet to scrapbook Patrick's birthday parties. I know I need to get it done and feel accomplished but I just don't have the drive. I am planning to print out some pictures today, so hopefully that will propell me in the right direction!

Besides that, I just feel yucky. My stomach is upset and I am exhausted. Hopefully it won't last too long!