Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I miss sleep

Of all the things I gave up, or that changed because I became a mother, I miss sleep the most.

In the beginning, of course, I walked around in a fog. Sometimes I didn't even know if it was day or night, and days began awfully early, and nights ended very late.

And then it improved! Patrick started sleeping through the night, and although he got up super early (5ish) I was getting continuous sleep and it was a great improvement.

And then life got REALLY GOOD. He would go to bed at 6 and sleep right through to 6. 12 whole hours!! We were getting used to a good nights sleep when disaster struck: 5 o'clock resurfaced with avengence.

And now we try to keep P up until 7 and hope he'll go to 6, but it hasn't been happening lately. I started napping with him in the afternoon to keep up with my sleep and I'm finding it much easier to function now that I am napping, but I can't help but feel guilty neglecting things that I should be doing while he naps. My house isn't totally a disaster yet, but is my sleep more important? I like to think so, but then I feel so lazy.