Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, May 14, 2006

So much for "Mother's Day"

Shaun is working. He spent yesterday doing pretty much what he wanted when he wanted to. I forgot he was working today and I was looking forward to doing pretty much what I wanted when I wanted today. But that won't happen. On top of that, he took the van so if I want to go anywhere I have to walk.

Patrick woke up grumpy. He screamed when I took him out of the crib, so I put him back in. Soon after he did want out, but wasn't too thrilled about getting a clean diaper and dressed. He fussed through breakfast and through play time. He got very angry with me when I re-directed him away from his favourite new toy: Shaun's X-box. He got especially angry when I put him in the play pen so I could fold laundry without him getting into the cat food. I put him down to nap and he cried. Finally he fell asleep and I thought I'd be able to do something I wanted -- weed the front garden.

I got outside and pruned a few dead branches off my favourite flowering bush and then attacked the garden. I was surprised it wasn't very bad, but I was unable to finish as the bugs were so thick and annoying. Aggitated, I put the gardening equipment away and finished off by sweeping the front porch, but its so windy it just kept blowing back at me. Frustrated I came inside and wrote this.

now I'm going to shower.