Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, January 11, 2007

1 week old!

Kathryn is 1 week old aready. WOW! We've come a long way in 7 small days.

Kathryn is now (knock on wood) on somewhat of a schedule. Generally she eats at 3, 6, 9, 12 around the clock, with a few cluster feeds a couple times a day.

Her awake spells are getting longer and longer, and she had 2x2-hour awake times yesterday. Unfortunately one was when I was hoping to be sleeping from 10-12midnight last night. She pretty much fed non stop and was still rooting at me when I said "enough!" and put her to bed. She fussed briefly and then went on to sleep until 3, and then till 6. I finally rolled out of bed around 8, just in time to play briefly with P before my Dad took him to school.

K fed again at 9 and then had a bath, which she surprisingly enjoyed! She now smells sweet again, instead of her usually gassy self. I hope it will last. She snuggled with me a bit and then drifted off into dreamland, and I had a nice hot shower which was LOVELY.

I guess there isn't much more to report than that. I continue to heal. I can get around pretty well, until around dinner time when I am sore and tired, despite having a nap in the afternoon.

I thought I had new pictures, but i guess I haven't uploaded them yet! Maybe next week.