Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


BOO! Did I scare you?? hehehe

Our day is pretty uneventful so far. P did not go to school as he is still running a fever when he's not medicated and was pretty cranky and clingy.

He did wear his hallowe'en outfit all day though and was told how cute he was. He was supposed to be a lion this year, but he refused the costume. Fortunately Eeyore still fit!! (Check out October 2005 to see how it fit last year) Or just click here! Thoughts and ramblings: Some Hallowe'en pictures....

Shaun had a Dr apt this morning for meds renewall and check up, so we went too and did some 'shopping' in Southampton. Shaun picked up a toliet thingie to fix the powder room toilet (yay!) and P got a 'treat' on the way out -- a mini AERO bar. HE LOVED IT! He was so sad it was so small :) What a sweet tooth.

We drove home via the lake and went to Nodwell park. P had a blast!! He loves going down the twirly slide!! He also had a swing. Then we went to the grocery store to get a few items. P had a cookie at the bakery department and then was offered a sucker at the check out --we declined it.

We had lunch. P had his nap. I vacuumed and cleaned out the van, did some laundry and cleaned both bathrooms then had a nap too!!

Now I'm making dinner. And after P will go with Daddy to trick-or-treat at a few select houses.... if he makes it. He's pretty tired and cranky already.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ramses is a moron

Ramses is a moron. He is convinced there is SOMETHING under our fridge of interest. He spent all day yesterday pawing under it and going between the fridge and wall to 'get' whatever he was after. It was like he was stalking a mouse! I had Shaun's parents here for dinner so they helped me pull out the fridge and clean under it. There was lots of 'stuff' (mostly magnetic letters -- go figure!) but nothing 'alive'. We left the fridge out so Ramses could get behind it and he was glued to it all night. I think there really may be something living "in" it -- in the back where the fan and stuff is. But Shaun pushed it in last night so... Ramses can't get back there anymore and is now whining for it and I am 'forbidden' to move any more appliances for some reason.

So now what do I do???

Friday, October 27, 2006

Its here! Its here! Its here!

Yippie! My custom rug hooking kit has arrived! Here is a picture of all the contents.

Its time to 'fall back'!

So when you change your clocks this weekend,
This is super important so don't forget!!


Today Sprout and I had a doctors appointment -- our 30 week check up. Since Shaun is working I had planned to take Patrick so I decided to get him checked out too. Patrick flipped out as soon as she tried to listen to his heart and lungs and began to scream! So, we decided just to wait, and check on me first.

I have gained 12 lbs. I am measuring good for 30 weeks, and she could tell I had 'dropped', but she isn't concerned, just told me it could mean more discomfort with siatica and pelvis pain. Yay. Sprout's heart beat was a whopping 154 (boy range, I think). I am not sure if we see her again until AFTER the birth as my next appointment is with the OB (finally!) on the 7th of November. Wow. Thats really close!!

So after I was finished, we tended to Patrick. She did manage to listen to his lungs through his screams -- all clear. I got to hold him in a head-lock while she checked his ears -- both good. And while he wailed again, she got a good look in his throat -- also good. So, lucky us, it is just a virus and nothing serious. Lots of fluids, keep up with the tylenol/advil for the fever & pain and lots of rest. I am glad it is nothing serious!

Speaking of which, Patrick seems to be better today than yesterday. He managed to be awake until lunch, happily ate his grilled cheese and then went to bed at 11:45. I will let him sleep as long as he wishes today.

This weekend should be fun with the time change -- getting him back onto his regular schedule.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Patrick is sick

we had a feeling last night when he was completely exhausted by 6 p.m. that he was getting a bug. Our fears were confirmed when he got up today and registered a temperature of 101.6! He's had some tylenol and banana and seems to be feeling better. But, there will be no school today.

Updates as they are available.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Puzzle boy

Patrick is really into wooden puzzles right now. We've had one out for him for a good chunk of time, but he's just now really getting into it.

Before, the game was to take all the pieces out, put them in a containor, and then he'd pull them out, we'd talk about it, and I'd put it back together.

Now, he dumps the puzzle, and puts it back together ALL BY HIMSELF. I'm super proud of him. He only needs help occasionally when he knows where the piece goes, but just can't get the orientation perfect.

He now has 3 'new' puzzles to work with, and we've put the original one away. I can't believe how fast he learns how to put together new ones.

Elusive Sleep...

I've hit that point. Sleep is elusive because comfort while in bed is also quite elusive. Sleeping on a side causes my shoulder and hip to fall asleep, sleeping on my back makes me feel guilty (you are told not to sleep on your back past the 5th month because the extra weight of the uterus on your abdominal aorta can slow blood flow to the baby -- and your legs!). Sleeping on my stomach is impossible. Haha. Try sleeping on a watermellon.

So I flip, and flop. I re-arange pillows. I remove covers and replace them in hopes of having feet that aren't freezing or roasting. I even switch beds!!

I know I am driving Shaun crazy -- but I can't help it. And the sleep I do manage to get is so full of bizarre dreams I have been waking up in a cold sweat and often have to get up to check on Patrick.

Speaking of getting up, I still have to get up to pee several times a night, so that doesn't help either.

I think its time to go back to napping :(


I opened and looked at Port Elgin and its going to RAIN ALL WEEK!

That is soooooo yucky :( No park for us this week I guess.

Check it out:

Friday, October 20, 2006

A blanket especially for Sprout

I got a surprise when I got the mail today. Besides the bills and junk mail, I also got a package from my friend Anna.

Now, I must tell you that Anna has been super sneeky lately and recently sent me a booklet containing ALL the emails I sent her during my pregnancy with Patrick. It was really a treat to sit down and read through them. They contained all sorts of things that I had forgotten about my pregnancy with him and it was a great walk down memory lane.

This time, it was a box. I was excited to get home and open it to see what was inside. It was taped alllllllllll around and required scissors to open, and then remove bits of tape, piece by piece, but shortly I was in!

I was quite surprised to find a blanket -- a blanket MADE by Anna for Sprout. A blanket especially for Sprout. A one of a kind.

I remember talking to Anna over a month ago about blankets. How Patrick had a special one made for him by a friend of my moms and how touched I was for that -- a blanket made especially for Patrick. I was telling her that I was unsure if anyone would make one for Sprout and that I was hoping someone would, because I wanted Sprout to have a special hand-made blanket too. Unfortunately, I do not crochet and my knitting is pretty bad too, so it wouldn't be from me.

I've added a picture of it, below, in the rocking chair. Its not as clear on the camera, but it co-ordinates really well with Sprout's bedding. I am sure Anna did this on purpose.

Thank you so much Anna, for making Sprout a special blanket. You will never know how much that means to me.

A plethora of Updates! Happy reading!


I've been nesting a LOT lately! I'm currently working through the baby laundry, sorting and washing, then bringing it up to the nursery to fold and sort into piles in the crib before I put it all in the dresser. I have 2 loads done! The last one is in the washer so it will soon be complete.

Yesterday, my MIL helped me move our kitchen table. I cleaned out the highchair and put it downstairs, and got Patrick set up in a booster seat. HE LOVES IT! And so do I, because it takes up so much less space AND he sits at the table with us. He also enjoys putting his cup up on the 'real' table, taking a drink and then putting it back. He giggles. The real reason for moving the table was so that I could put the swing in the cornor of the dining room, on the carpet, away from general traffic for when the baby is here.

Patrick also surprised us by learning new things at 'school'. I am surprised how quickly he has picked up things from the other kids. He now eats with a FORK and fairly well all things considered. WE've also graduated him to plates and bowls instead of the tray and it is working out!! I am so surprised with the leaps and bounds he is making with table manners. Here is a picture, in his new chair!

He is also trying very hard to 'walk' up stairs instead of crawling. This is difficult because he can't quite reach the bainster yet. He will soon. At school, he is able to come down the stairs on his bottom (bump, bump, bump!) but our stairs are 'regular sized' and his legs aren't quite long enough yet. Soon!!

Shaun hurt his back yesterday at work and is in a lot of pain. I feel extra sorry for him because he had so many things planned to do this weekend, and now a lot of them will have to wait. He's also finding it difficult to play with Patrick on the floor because of the position it puts his back in. I hope he is feeling better soon.

Sprout is very active now! Which is very nice. I am also eating everything in sight, generally without stopping all day. I can't seem to keep full. My weight is still good though, despite my gluttony, and sitting at +12.

However, I am concerned because I have 'dropped'. I noticed yesterday when my pants kept falling down -- they were the kind that go OVER the belly and I kept finding them around my hips. I also have more pressure on my bladder again. UGH. With Patrick, I didn't 'drop' until about 38 weeks, so having this happen so soon does have me concerned. It is also weird to think that I need to take in my pants so they won't fall down -- I'm SUPPOSED to be getting bigger. I checked my weight this morning just to be sure and I am still at +12, so nothing has changed there. I have an appointment next Friday so if I can keep myself from worrying, I will wait and ask her about it then.

And now I believe you are up to date!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Patrick is getting taller with longer arms...

This morning I decided it was time to wash all Patrick's soothers. He gets them only at bedtime, so they rarely make it to the kitchen for a 'bath'. I collected all of them and soaked them in super hot water for 20 minutes before giving them a scrub. I took them all out and put them on a tea towel to dry on the counter.

I was talking to Amy on MSN and helping her with her resume, so I was a bit distracted, but when I turned around, Patrick had a soother IN HIS MOUTH. He had REACHED up to the counter and had one. He hadn't pulled the tea towel off the counter, but simply picked 1 up. And now he refuses to give it to me. I know I could just pull it out, but he'd cry so now I have to get crafty with a snack or drink to get it back.

Such a smart little boy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I actually have nothing to do.

Shaun is at work, Patrick is at 'school', and I've done the chores I wanted and had a shower and I have nothing to do until the laundry beeps. Ok ok there are ALWAYS things I could do, but nothing is pressing.

While its rather nice, its very weird. Its been a long time since I was in this position.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rain Rain, GO AWAY!

Its raining. Its been raining since we got up. It is supposed to keep raining all day, keeping us house-bound because Shaun has the van for training today.

I don't generally mind the rain, except when it decides to continue all day. It makes me sad that we can't get out to play because Patrick loves to play outside and at the park. It also makes for a very long day where I need to keep coming up with things to do to keep us busy -- moreso than normal.

This morning after breakfast, Patrick and I changed the beds and cleaned out the linnen closet. Ok, Patrick basically watched TV and chased the kitties and I did the work, but it did occupy us for almost an hour! After that, we had snack and I worked on some Christmas stuff while he played with his toys in the living room. Then we read books together while lunch was in the oven. After lunch, Patrick went for a nap and I did some chores (gathered garbage and took it out, put the sheets into the washer, general tidy-up) and now I am working on Christmas things again. What I SHOULD be doing is having a nap, but I'm just not tired enough!

After nap... I'm not sure what we will do. We'll certainly have snack but then what? Maybe we should colour? We could go downstairs to watch TV and play with those toys. I could start going through the buckets of baby clothes to see what will be suitable and set it aside for washing closer to December. We'll read more books -- we read books ALL day. The kid is a book-a-holic! At 4 p.m. we'll watch Elmo's World on Treehouse -- Patrick's favourite show, and then it will be time to start dinner. Shaun may or may not be home -- its up in the air at the moment if he is working until 4 or 8. After dinner is bath, then playtime, then snack and then bed.

Ok.. typing it out makes it seem much more manageable.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A rare opportunity

Yesterday I had the rare opportunity to visit Shaun's place of employment! (

Ok ok, I wasn't cosying up to a reactor or anything, but I did get to be on-site and take a self-tour of the new administration building.

The new building is lovely, yes. Very 'officy' and very 'posh' but that wasn't the real reason I wanted to go. The building is also 6 storeys high with lots of huge windows, so I got to see the two generation plants (A&B) 'up close' -- the actual site where Shaun works. Its really nice to have that perspective in my mind now. I 'know' where he parks, what part of the building he enters to go through security, and which part of the building in which he normall works. Its nice to know that!

UPDATE: Although lots of people and tours were aloud BEFORE 9/11, it is a RARE opportunity to be able to get on-site now unless you work there or are making a delivery and have clearance. And even then, there is LOTS of security with automatic weapons who are taught to shoot first and ask questions later.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Christmas Crafts

Pictured here are Dangle Drops and Snowflakes, both which I made using kits I got from mary maxim LAST year. I had ordered the kits well in advance of Christmas, but they were backordered and backordered and I finally got them AFTER Christmas.

I'm quite proud of my handi-work :) I'm planning to give them as part of gifts, or attached to cards for special people.

I will likely order a couple different kits to complete for next year. This time I will wait until AFTER Christmas to order them so they are on sale :) HOpefully!!!

Christmas Baking

I planned what I was going to make over a month ago, but seeing as it 'feels' like Christmas with the snow and cold and all, I actually made a batch today. They're called 'Slow Pokes" and I've never made them before. They're less of a cookie and more of a bar, pressed into a cookie sheet and then cut up after baking. I hope they're good! If they are, I'll freeze all but a few and then make another batch.

This year i'm also making another 'first' called Chocolate Crinkles. They look really different and I actually have to melt real chocolate. Should be an experience. These were the ones I was going to attempt today, except that we only had 2 eggs and the recipe calls for 3!! Slow Pokes only needed 1.

Speaking of eggs, I am quite proud of myself. I had to separate an egg into yolk and white for the slow pokes and I did it on the first try and I've never done it before. I always figured it was difficult. It isn't.

On top of slowpokes and chocolate crinkles, I'm also making shortbread. I am planning to make 3 batches of it as it is so popular. I'll cheat though and melt the butter before mixing and then shove it in the fridge for a few hours before rolling it into balls and smooshing them with the bottom of a glass. I will ice them (planning on 3 colours: white, green and red) and then top with multi-coloured sprinkles. MmmMMm. I will likely wait until closer to Christmas for these ones as I'm not sure I can trust my pregnant-self not to devour them ALL myself.

Of course I'll make my holiday bits-and-bites, a recipe that I've made for years that was taken from a Shreddies box. I've tweaked it over the years so its really 'mine' which makes it special. Unfortunately, it is also a treat that is super popular and I can't freeze it so it will have to wait until RIGHT before Christmas.


Its snowing! Nothing is sticking, but its coming down. Its been awfully windy too -- so much so that last night we missed snippets of Survivor and CSI because it was blowing our satellite around. CRAZY!!

We had big-enough flakes coming down yesterday that I mentioned it to Patrick -- he thought it was really neat! He sat in his highchair, watching them fall, eating his snack. Then we went out in it!! Too bad it was so cold and windy or we would have had more fun.

I guess I'll have to see if Patrick's hallowe'en costume fits over his snowsuit!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

...snowblower II

Its here. Its assembled. Its stowed in the garage. Its over. Thank goodness.

*^&^%##%^& snowblower

The journey with the snowblower began in Orangeville. Shaun and I took Patrick to Home Depot to check out snowblowers, compair, etc. We easily found them and checked over the different brands features and horsepower, etc. We were approached quite quickly by an associate who offered great information about the differences between the brands and after this brief encounter (15 minutes, tops) we had decided which snowblower exactly we wanted. Unfortunately, we had to purchase it in Owen Sound because it was our closest store for delivery. We decided that on our way home from that trip, we would go through Owen Sound and get it ordered.

So we drove from Orangeville to Owen Sound. We were expecting a quick transaction -- after all, we knew exactly what we wanted. Easy right?? Wrong. The store was busy and there was only 1 associate working in that department.. and there were customers waiting ahead of us. NO problem. We decided we could wait. After all, by the time he got to us, it would be quick because we already knew what we wanted. We waited a long time before Patrick got cranky and my bladder was threatening to explode so we left and had lunch. I decided I would call and order it over the phone, after all we already knew exactly what we wanted.

I called later that day. I got the order all ready to go! Until it came time to pay. They would not let me use the "12 months, no interest" coupon they had MAILED to me. They said they had to have it in-store. I told them we'd already been in store and waited. I offered to mail it to them. It was a no-go. Frustrated, we made plans to go BACK to Owen Sound that Wednesday.

On Wednesday, we went back to Owen Sound. Again, there seemed at first to be no one working in the department until we realized there were 2 associates working but they were too busy moving stock to be bothered with customers. We were told it would be up to a 20 minute wait. Of course we waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually, another associate came to help us and it was literally 5 minutes from start to finish. FINALLY I thought we were on our way! Delivery was set for today.

Yesterday I called in the afternoon to establish our delivery window. I was told I needed to call back after 7. So I did. I called around 7:30. I was then told he meant 7 A.M. Frustrated, I was offered a phone call at 6 a.m. today. I took it. Afterall, if the window was going to be during playgroup, Shaun might as well have the van.

So Shaun set our alarm for 6a.m. I got up and had a shower, and then he did. I cleaned my kitchen stove. Shaun had to leave for work. He took the van. 7 a.m. rolled around. I called. He said the note he got said to call 'first thing' not at 6, and he assumed it meant 7 a.m. *sigh* At any rate, he said our delivery would be here within the hour. It is now 7:35 so I'm curious how accurate that will be.

When the snowblower is unloaded and safely stowed in our garage, I am going to call to complain about this whole thing. The level of customer service is horrible.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Rug Hooking - a happy entry!

I know my posts have been pretty grouchy lately. I swear it is hormones! Hopefully a big dose of turkey tomorrow will help ;)

Some of you know, but most of you don't know, that I've been looking for a suitable rug hooking for Sprout's room. My father does a rug for each grandbaby -- sort of a tradition.

I started looking for one for Sprout as soon as we decided on the theme for the nursery. I checked,, mom & dad got me catalogues and I was checking e-bay every couple of days. Nothing suited!

A few days ago, I came across a vendor in the e-bay stores section that deals with rug-hooking and there was mention that she had more designs that were not displayed. I e-mailed her asking if she had anything that would suit (giraffe, cow, sheep, etc) and she mentioned that she had one she had designed that she would dig up and send a picture. Picking up on the 'design' theme, I e-mailed her back and asked if she did custom rugs and if she would work with a piece of the nursery fabric and come up with a custom design. She agreed! Over the next few days, we emailed back and forth about the design and today we firmed-up on the design you see below.

I am so super excited! I can't wait to get the kit and I am so thrilled at what a match it will be for the design for the nursery. On top of this, she was such a nice person to work with. She was always pleasant and accomodating -- I was picky with a few details and she had no problems tweeking them to suit what I wanted. If you are interested in seeing her other designs or would like to talk to her about making a custom rug kit for you, please check out her website (

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cleaning - satisfying and exhausting

While Patrick was at school yesterday, Shaun and I tackled the shed & garage. We knew it would be a monumentous task!

I started by emptying the shed and sweeping it out. Then I helped in the garage by throwing out obvious trash, organizing my gardening stuff, and sweeping. I cleaned off the front porch and moved the furnature to the back to go in the shed for the winter, and then I collected all the toys and put them in the same box! I also took all the paint inside and downstairs to be with the rest of the paint, and after P had his lunch and was down to nap, I took apart the bench Shaun's parents had given us -- the wrought iron bits were fine, but the wood was rotten. Whew! I am exhausted!

Shaun cleared away the big stuff and organized all the hanging items on the wall. He filled holes and cracks with expanding foam and made a home for the snowblower. He moved all the wood to the shed, and organized the bits-n-pieces in the garage. He still has his workbench to tackle, but that will be another day.

Patrick had a nice time at school. Shaun and I both took him and picked him up. He cried when we left (typical) but settled quickly. He ate snack for the first time today AND used one of their sippy cups! Yippie!! He also made a craft, a pumpkin.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I have a very strong-willed child


We're having a 'defiance' day. My child is very strong willed. Gee, I wonder who he got that from?

It took me over 10 minutes to get him out of the park. We had driven to the park because we were out getting a few things. I parked by the mail boxes and we walked in. It takes a good 2-3 minutes of walking Patrick-pace to get to the actual equipment. We had fun on the swings, and several trips down the slide. Then we had another swing, and checked out the fences along the edges. I tried to take his hand and encourage him in the direction of the van. I talked to him about it being time to go home and see Daddy and Ramses, but I was ignored. If I tried to take his hand, he pulled away and screamed. I 'left' him and started in the drection of the van. He continued to run around and would look at me periodically. He decided it might be fun to climb up the slide (a no-no and he knows it) so I walked over and removed him. He kicked and screamed, so I put him down and tried to take his hand. He put his head down and cried.

This time I really walked away, towards the van. I got about 10 feet and then glanced back, and he decided he could come with me. He was running and crying. I kept my distance to encourage him to keep moving and when we got within 5 feet or so of the road, I stopped and tried to take his hand, which he immediately pulled away with a scowal. I took it anyway, talked about looking both ways for cars, and we went across the road, mostly with me pulling gently on his arm. By the time we got to the van, he was all happiness despite the runny nose and red eyes.

I know he's testing me and the limits but I just about lost my temper. I think I have teeth marks inside my cheeks. Why does it have to be so difficult? It makes me not want to take him to the park anymore.

I do feel slight satisfaction in having "won" (he eventually walked to the van like I wanted), but what a battle.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Well finally folks, here is 1 picture of the nursery showing off the beautiful fabric on the cushions my mom recovered and wall colour (which doesn't actually look like the wall colour -- it looks greener... Also pictured is the blanket my mother-in-law got for Sprout. We also have the window valence up, but when I tried to take a picture it looked silly! The rest of the room is mostly a work-in-progress so pictures of that later.