I've been nesting a LOT lately! I'm currently working through the baby laundry, sorting and washing, then bringing it up to the nursery to fold and sort into piles in the crib before I put it all in the dresser. I have 2 loads done! The last one is in the washer so it will soon be complete.
Yesterday, my MIL helped me move our kitchen table. I cleaned out the highchair and put it downstairs, and got Patrick set up in a booster seat. HE LOVES IT! And so do I, because it takes up so much less space AND he sits at the table with us. He also enjoys putting his cup up on the 'real' table, taking a drink and then putting it back. He giggles. The real reason for moving the table was so that I could put the swing in the cornor of the dining room, on the carpet, away from general traffic for when the baby is here.
Patrick also surprised us by learning new things at 'school'. I am surprised how quickly he has picked up things from the other kids. He now eats with a FORK and fairly well all things considered. WE've also graduated him to plates and bowls instead of the tray and it is working out!! I am so surprised with the leaps and bounds he is making with table manners. Here is a picture, in his new chair!
He is also trying very hard to 'walk' up stairs instead of crawling. This is difficult because he can't quite reach the bainster yet. He will soon. At school, he is able to come down the stairs on his bottom (bump, bump, bump!) but our stairs are 'regular sized' and his legs aren't quite long enough yet. Soon!!
Shaun hurt his back yesterday at work and is in a lot of pain. I feel extra sorry for him because he had so many things planned to do this weekend, and now a lot of them will have to wait. He's also finding it difficult to play with Patrick on the floor because of the position it puts his back in. I hope he is feeling better soon.
Sprout is very active now! Which is very nice. I am also eating everything in sight, generally without stopping all day. I can't seem to keep full. My weight is still good though, despite my gluttony, and sitting at +12.
However, I am concerned because I have 'dropped'. I noticed yesterday when my pants kept falling down -- they were the kind that go OVER the belly and I kept finding them around my hips. I also have more pressure on my bladder again. UGH. With Patrick, I didn't 'drop' until about 38 weeks, so having this happen so soon does have me concerned. It is also weird to think that I need to take in my pants so they won't fall down -- I'm SUPPOSED to be getting bigger. I checked my weight this morning just to be sure and I am still at +12, so nothing has changed there. I have an appointment next Friday so if I can keep myself from worrying, I will wait and ask her about it then.
And now I believe you are up to date!