Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, October 27, 2006


Today Sprout and I had a doctors appointment -- our 30 week check up. Since Shaun is working I had planned to take Patrick so I decided to get him checked out too. Patrick flipped out as soon as she tried to listen to his heart and lungs and began to scream! So, we decided just to wait, and check on me first.

I have gained 12 lbs. I am measuring good for 30 weeks, and she could tell I had 'dropped', but she isn't concerned, just told me it could mean more discomfort with siatica and pelvis pain. Yay. Sprout's heart beat was a whopping 154 (boy range, I think). I am not sure if we see her again until AFTER the birth as my next appointment is with the OB (finally!) on the 7th of November. Wow. Thats really close!!

So after I was finished, we tended to Patrick. She did manage to listen to his lungs through his screams -- all clear. I got to hold him in a head-lock while she checked his ears -- both good. And while he wailed again, she got a good look in his throat -- also good. So, lucky us, it is just a virus and nothing serious. Lots of fluids, keep up with the tylenol/advil for the fever & pain and lots of rest. I am glad it is nothing serious!

Speaking of which, Patrick seems to be better today than yesterday. He managed to be awake until lunch, happily ate his grilled cheese and then went to bed at 11:45. I will let him sleep as long as he wishes today.

This weekend should be fun with the time change -- getting him back onto his regular schedule.