Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A rare opportunity

Yesterday I had the rare opportunity to visit Shaun's place of employment! (

Ok ok, I wasn't cosying up to a reactor or anything, but I did get to be on-site and take a self-tour of the new administration building.

The new building is lovely, yes. Very 'officy' and very 'posh' but that wasn't the real reason I wanted to go. The building is also 6 storeys high with lots of huge windows, so I got to see the two generation plants (A&B) 'up close' -- the actual site where Shaun works. Its really nice to have that perspective in my mind now. I 'know' where he parks, what part of the building he enters to go through security, and which part of the building in which he normall works. Its nice to know that!

UPDATE: Although lots of people and tours were aloud BEFORE 9/11, it is a RARE opportunity to be able to get on-site now unless you work there or are making a delivery and have clearance. And even then, there is LOTS of security with automatic weapons who are taught to shoot first and ask questions later.