Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, October 13, 2006

Christmas Baking

I planned what I was going to make over a month ago, but seeing as it 'feels' like Christmas with the snow and cold and all, I actually made a batch today. They're called 'Slow Pokes" and I've never made them before. They're less of a cookie and more of a bar, pressed into a cookie sheet and then cut up after baking. I hope they're good! If they are, I'll freeze all but a few and then make another batch.

This year i'm also making another 'first' called Chocolate Crinkles. They look really different and I actually have to melt real chocolate. Should be an experience. These were the ones I was going to attempt today, except that we only had 2 eggs and the recipe calls for 3!! Slow Pokes only needed 1.

Speaking of eggs, I am quite proud of myself. I had to separate an egg into yolk and white for the slow pokes and I did it on the first try and I've never done it before. I always figured it was difficult. It isn't.

On top of slowpokes and chocolate crinkles, I'm also making shortbread. I am planning to make 3 batches of it as it is so popular. I'll cheat though and melt the butter before mixing and then shove it in the fridge for a few hours before rolling it into balls and smooshing them with the bottom of a glass. I will ice them (planning on 3 colours: white, green and red) and then top with multi-coloured sprinkles. MmmMMm. I will likely wait until closer to Christmas for these ones as I'm not sure I can trust my pregnant-self not to devour them ALL myself.

Of course I'll make my holiday bits-and-bites, a recipe that I've made for years that was taken from a Shreddies box. I've tweaked it over the years so its really 'mine' which makes it special. Unfortunately, it is also a treat that is super popular and I can't freeze it so it will have to wait until RIGHT before Christmas.