Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


BOO! Did I scare you?? hehehe

Our day is pretty uneventful so far. P did not go to school as he is still running a fever when he's not medicated and was pretty cranky and clingy.

He did wear his hallowe'en outfit all day though and was told how cute he was. He was supposed to be a lion this year, but he refused the costume. Fortunately Eeyore still fit!! (Check out October 2005 to see how it fit last year) Or just click here! Thoughts and ramblings: Some Hallowe'en pictures....

Shaun had a Dr apt this morning for meds renewall and check up, so we went too and did some 'shopping' in Southampton. Shaun picked up a toliet thingie to fix the powder room toilet (yay!) and P got a 'treat' on the way out -- a mini AERO bar. HE LOVED IT! He was so sad it was so small :) What a sweet tooth.

We drove home via the lake and went to Nodwell park. P had a blast!! He loves going down the twirly slide!! He also had a swing. Then we went to the grocery store to get a few items. P had a cookie at the bakery department and then was offered a sucker at the check out --we declined it.

We had lunch. P had his nap. I vacuumed and cleaned out the van, did some laundry and cleaned both bathrooms then had a nap too!!

Now I'm making dinner. And after P will go with Daddy to trick-or-treat at a few select houses.... if he makes it. He's pretty tired and cranky already.