Patrick is teething again. He's working on his 4th molar (some of the points are through) and possibly the eye tooth in that area. At any rate it is tooth # 14 that will make its appearance shortly.
He also seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating a TON!
Both of these events are also causing him to sleep in which is wonderful :) This is the 3rd day in a row that I've been up at 8 a.m. (he went to bed at 7!) and he is still happily sleeping. I heard him briefly around 5:30 before Shaun got up for work but I think he was just wimpering for his buppy and must have found it because it never became a demanding noise. At any rate, I am glad that he is giving himself the opportunity to rest because when he gets all the sleep he needs, he is a much happier baby to be around.
Today my mother-in-law was hoping to come and help me paint the colour on the nursery - very exciting!! But she called while I was sleeping and left a message saying she had a headache so she is unsure if she can come today. Because of the headache, I don't want to call her back making the phone ring, so I will wait for her call. I hope she is feeling better but even more I am hoping she will relax and feel better. The painting can wait.
So I am not sure what P and I will do today. I am sure will will go to the park at some point, and maybe get some groceries. And he will nap this afternoon after lunch and I can keep working on laundry. I also have a chriopractic appointment at 4:15 - YAY - to fix my poor back which has been hurting for over a week from the stress I put on it doing all that nursery painting.
For the past 3 days we've had company. My friend Cathy and her kids Jordan (5) and Keira (7 months) were here visiting. We went to the park and the beach and had a great time together. Patrick enjoyed having playmates and played with both of them. Because of this I really feel he is going to LOVE playschool which starts in less than 2 weeks!!!