Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, August 18, 2006

No pictures for you!

Blogger picture upload still isn't working. Heres the post anyway. Hopefully I will be able to add pictures in the future.

And how! Instead of doing multiple postings today, you're getting it all at once. Happy scrolling!

P and I were on our way back from running errands/going to the park yesterday when our acros-the-road-to-the-east neighbour was loading 2 really cool exersaucers into the back of his pick up. I smiled and said "wow! those are really nice exersaucers" and kept walking. He stopped me by the time I reached the other side of his driveway and asked if I would like to have them. I expressed enthusiasm and said Iwould come and get them as soon as I dropped P off at our house. I took P across the road and parked him in the driveway, then went back to get the 2 exersaucers. I think he was surprised that I lived so close, and he trailed me back with a lagging piece of one of the exersaucers. So I finally got to introduce myself to my across-the-road-to-the-east neighbour! His name is Dave, his wife is Rachel and they have 3 kids: 1 boy and then BG twins which explains the double exersaucers. He also remarked there may be other baby-related items and asked if I would be interested and I said I would! Apparently there are a lot of clothes -- good name brand stuff -- so I am hopeful that will come our way too.

Despite having a nasty headache, my MIL came over yesterday to 'edge' the nursery because I'm too chicken to do it! She was here when I arrived home from our morning out and was making terrific progress. After I fed P and finally got him down to nap, I joined her with the roller. Now the first coat is totally on! I am very pleased with the colour and hope that this weekend when Shaun is off I can get the second coat on as well and be DONE with painting for a while. Next project? Finally getting the second coat of paint on the master bedroom walls. Its only been a year. HAHA!
I was laying in bed last night, listening to the TV and relaxing with my hands on my tummy.... and I got KICKED! I felt it right in my hand. It was so wonderful! I waited and I got 3 more random kicks. I'm so glad that Sprout is almost to the point where Shaun will be able to feel his/her kicking -- it really helps with the bonding process.
Oh and speaking of sprout... if I hear one more person remark how wonderful it is to have a surprise I just might blow a fuse! I realize that lots of people enjoy waiting to see what they will have, but I personally feel that knowing ahead of time facilitates the bonding process for ME. And since I will be half-frozen and unable to move at the time of delivery, and probably won't even get to meet sprout until 5 hours after s/he is out of my belly, I'd like to have that pre-birth bonding. Yes yes i know I can still bond with 'sprout' but I honestly don't think it will be the same. Patrick practically came out knowing his name and responding to it by turning his head or stopping crying and this baby won't have that oppportunity to learn pre-birth.