Thoughts and ramblings

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The belly

34 week belly, as requested!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lookie what I bought!

After much thought and discussion about a double stroller, Shaun and I had come to the conclusion that we were going to try to make a go of it without one. We figured I could use the sling while Kathryn was small, and put P in the stroller, or Patrick could walk while Kathryn was in the stroller. If we were ALL going out, we could use both strollers.

I was completly OK with this idea.... until I realized how much Shaun is really away and how much I am on my own.. and how much I would MISS walking! We do have the wagon, but its unlikely that Kathryn would be big enough for it until NEXT year.

Double strollers are EXPENSIVE. The one that would work with our infant car seat was over $200. I couldn't really justify spending that much.

I didn't know, but my mother-in-law had been keeping an eye out for a used one for us. Monday night she told me about one that was listed in the Bruce classifides and I called and went to look at it today. IT LOOKS GREAT! It doesn't accept our car seat, but the backseat reclines fully, so Kathryn would be happy there. It was in almost-new condition and was only $75.

Besides missing out on walking, I was fully planning to miss out on going to several of my favourite stores because the carts weren't designed for 2 babies at once. I was planning to go to these places on days that Shaun was home -- together we could use 2 carts, or I could take one child or *gasp!* go alone!

Now I can go ANYWHERE I want!

The double stroller folds up ALMOST as small as my single stroller!! AND it stands neatly in the space between the back hatch of the van and the very back seat. PLUS it isn't that heavy! AND it has 1-handed fold!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Meet & Greet for Kathryn

Shaun and I wanted to do something to welcome our little girl (or boy -- it wouldn't matter) to the world. We just wanted something low key -- a drop by, meet & greet sometime late in January.

My parents have agreed to let us use their house on January 28th for this occasion! We will be "officially" inviting you after we work out all the details, but basically it would be for people to come over briefly to meet our little Kathryn. SO! Keep a small part of the afternoon of the 28th of January open so you can attend!

Spelling change

We've decided to spell our little girl's name KATHRYN instead of Katherine.

Now... do I bother to email everyone and tell them this? Or just let it be?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Of Christmas cards and letters...

Just to 'warn' you all, we aren't sending out Christmas cards this year.

Instead, we're sending out a HAPPY 2007 letter mid January so we can include the details of Katherine's birth AND picture(s)!

So please don't be insulted when you don't get a card from us -- you're getting something better!

I just finished addressing the whole lot of envelopes we will need. Next step is to stamp them with our return address stamp.

Jay: I am not sure I have your current address. Could you please send it to me? Thanks.

Also, I have discovered the TRUE meaning to sending Christmas cards. You probably think its the whole spreading-of-the-spirit-of-Christmas idea.

You are wrong.

Sending Christmas cards FORCES us to finally update our address books with all the addresses of people who have moved this past year OR risk wasting a stamp with a returned letter.

You should see how much white-out is in my book now! But now, it IS up to date.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

boy-in-da-hood hat

Here is the answer to your question: Its a tight-fitting hat like you see those 'boys in da hood' wearing in movies and stuff. It has no decoration at all. The bottom can be rolled and as the child's head gets bigger, you roll it less and less until you don't roll it at all.

Here is Patrick wearing his -- its too small now as it doesn't quite cover his ears and leaves his forehead exposed. I got him a new 'winter' one the other day. Its gray.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A hat for Katherine

Patrick has a navy blue, tight fitting, boy-in-da-hood hat that he has worn pretty much since he was born. In the beginning, we had to roll the front so he could see, and now he is growing out of it. I always loved that little hat -- it was perfect on its own, or under a jacket hood.

I bought a replacement hat for him yesterday. It is knit, instead of cotton, and it is for cooler weather instead of all-weather which is fine because he is a big boy now. It is also grey, instead of Navy.

While looking for a replacement hat for Patrick I wondered if I would be able to pass the little hat down to Sprout. When we found out she was Katherine, I knew I needed to find a new hat in the same style, except in Pink. This way, no matter what she was wearing, she would always have her little girly 'topper' to let everyone know she was a girl.

Patrick and I were out running some errands today and went to SAAN. I had forgotten that they had just re-done their baby section! I was excited when I found a sleeper set that had an attached hat! It was $12.99 though...and honestly... we have a LOT of sleepers already. So I put it back. But then it dawned on me that they may sell JUST hats. They do! I got the last pink one!!

So now Katherine has her own little girl-in-da-hood hat.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Patrick and I were playing in his room, post-bath. He really wanted Beazley out of the crib to play with -- generally beazley LIVES in the crib and is required for sleep. I got Beazley out for Patrick. He gave his nose a chomp (? ya.. I don't get that either) and then we went back to playing - beazley forgotten on the floor by the crib.

I was closing Patrick's blind when I noticed his humidifier was out of water, so I took it to the bathroom and filled it in the tub. I pulled it back out and put the cap on, only to find that Patrick had tried to flush Beazley.

So now Beazley is full of toilet water and 'festering' in my bathroom sink.

I am not pleased.

And Patrick won't be either, when he finds out there will be no snuggly toy in bed tonight.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

We have the results!!

We had a great ultrasound! The baby was somewhat co-operative, so that was good.

Paul & Dorothy (Shaun's parents) as well as Lisa were there. They looked after Mr. P while Shaun and I saw the bulk of the ultrasound and measurments. The baby is mostly laying transverse, but can still get into breech (feet down) and head-up as witnessed during our time there! Weight is in at a whopping 4 lbs 6 oz! WOW!!

And now for the part you're just ITCHING to know about.

Is Sprout a boy or a girl?

Did we see blue or pink?

Did we get a pair or 2 of a kind??

Is Shaun going to have someone to walk down the isle?

Are we going to have two tornado boys?

I'm sure you're very curious.

And I know you REALLY want to know.

Which is WHY I'm drawing this whole thing out!!

Well. I guess I should just tell you now.

After all, we've all waited 33 weeks for this information!!

Crazy people, like Charlene, wait even longer to find out the gender!

But I won't keep you in suspense.

Much longer.

Just a bit.

Because you know the suspense and build up is the BEST part!


You must think so.

Christmas morning is like that!!

Waiting for Christmas is often better than actual Christmas.

Christmas itself goes by too fast.

And we can treasure the drawn-out build up!


You've waited long and patiently enough.

So I might as well just tell you now....

Its a girl! Her name will be Katherine Jane Elizabeth.

T minus 5 hours... and counting....

WOW! Only 5 hours to go. That is so crazy! The time has really gone quickly!

Have I told you that Patrick can climb the stairs to the slide, get himself on his toosh, slide down the slide AND land on his feet at the bottom?! Is soooooo nice for my back!! I just spot him to be sure he doesn't fall and we're good to go! Now... teaching him how to climb into the baby swing AND push himself... this could be a bigger challenge.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

23.5 hours to go!

Yay! Less than a day!!

Speaking of babies, I watched Oprah the other day because someone on my January 2007 babies board on had said she was having a guest that claims to have unlocked the secrets of baby language!

The segment was amazing!! I went to the website to check out how to get the DVD and it is HORRIBLY EXPENSIVE!!! So... instead... I copied and pasted from the oprah website the 'words'. Hopefully they will help!! The DVD is only good for ages 0-3 months (!!!) so I wasn't willing to fork out almost $100 AMERICAN for it... despite how wonderful it does look.

Here tare the 'words'. You're supposed to listen for them in the 'pre-cry'. ONce the child is in full blown cry, it becomes much MUCH more difficult to distinguish.

Neh="I'm hungry"
Owh="I'm sleepy"
Heh="I'm experiencing discomfort"
Eair="I have lower gas"
Eh="I need to burp"

Also here is the link to the show for that segment: This is more for my future reference ;)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


The door bell rang at 4 o'clock. I expected to see my mother-in-law - I had asked her to come for a visit. Instead, we got a delivery!!! Thanks Mom & Dad M!!

47 hours!

But who's counting?!

Today is Shaun and my 3rd anniversary! Shaun had to work though... so I'm sure its not to much fun for him. Patrick and I have been house-bound for the majority of today. We made cookies and played. After nap we went to the park for a bit -- its pretty gross out though.

Now we're just putting in time until dinner at 5. Maybe we'll watch some TV.

Tomorrow morning P and I are going to playgroup in Southampton, and tomorrow afternoon Shaun is taking Syd for service and snow tire installation. Hopefully he's back by dinnertime. Boo.

Thursday morning P has school, we're going to clean the floors and then we have the ULTRASOUND in the afternoon :)

Friday hopefully we'll get some groceries.

Monday, November 13, 2006

3 days and 5 hours..

..until the ultrasound! Not that we're in the least bit excited or anything.

Patrick is at school this morning and Shaun is home in bed with a Migraine. I just finished up some Christmas wrapping and now I have a few run-around errands to do before I go pick up Patrick. I would do them with him later because he LOVES to get out but they're just not suitable errands for him to accompany me on. The library has no elevator and there are 11 steps UP the front, BJs is on the main drag, and I don't know how far I'll have to walk from whatever parking space I can find and I want to get a CASE of kelenex that is on sale at Pharma Plus... and carrying P and a big box isn't particularly appealing. Yes, he could walk.. but ya never know.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

3 days and 20.5 hours

until the ultrasound!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Inquiring minds wanted to know..

The ultrasound is booked for November 16th at 3 p.m.! A week today! Hurrah!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

OB appointment update

All is well!

I get to have another ultrasound!!

My c-section is booked for Jan 4th!!


Ramses is NOT a moron

There really was a mouse!!! And my sister-in-law had the pleasure of dealing with it while we were out tonight at the OB appointment.

Apparently Ramses 'helped' a bit too, but in the end it was a badminton racket AND a toilet flush that sent the little scamper to his doom. FUN! Glad I missed it.

Patrick watching Aaron

My friend Anna posted a video she took of her son, Aaron, walking. I played it for Patrick and he just loved it!! He was smiling and laughing, and when the clip was over he was sad! We must have watched it 20+ times, back to back.

I captured a couple pics of Patrick watching Aaron :) Too cute.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Tomorrow is the BIG day! We get to FINALLY see the OB!!

I am hoping
1) we get our c-section date and
2) for another ultrasound!!

Wish us luck, details tomorrow nite.


I was shown this 'pregnancy weight calculator' by another poster on

You put in your initial weight, how many weeks pregnant you are and what you currently weigh and it spits out what you SHOULD be weighing and what you should AIM to weigh by 40 weeks.

I have gained 15 lbs, should be closer to 25!! Projected end weight is between +28 and +38. I'm aiming for the 28!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

31 Weeks!

WOW! The time has gone SOOOO fast. I can't believe we're at 31 weeks!!

I (bravely) got on the scale this morning. I wasn't going to be too surprised because i've been eating like a glutton lately. I am now +14. not too shabby.

Patrick had his 18M check up today. He weighs 25 lbs and is 32 inches tall. He is pretty much on track for development, ahead in some areas, behind in others - mostly language related. He also got 2 immunizations - 1 in each arm - and was very upset but recovered quite quickly.

After his appointment, we went to the end of playgroup, and then he fell asleep in the van before we could get home!! He is now sleeping and will be VERY HUNGRY when he gets up.