Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, November 16, 2006

We have the results!!

We had a great ultrasound! The baby was somewhat co-operative, so that was good.

Paul & Dorothy (Shaun's parents) as well as Lisa were there. They looked after Mr. P while Shaun and I saw the bulk of the ultrasound and measurments. The baby is mostly laying transverse, but can still get into breech (feet down) and head-up as witnessed during our time there! Weight is in at a whopping 4 lbs 6 oz! WOW!!

And now for the part you're just ITCHING to know about.

Is Sprout a boy or a girl?

Did we see blue or pink?

Did we get a pair or 2 of a kind??

Is Shaun going to have someone to walk down the isle?

Are we going to have two tornado boys?

I'm sure you're very curious.

And I know you REALLY want to know.

Which is WHY I'm drawing this whole thing out!!

Well. I guess I should just tell you now.

After all, we've all waited 33 weeks for this information!!

Crazy people, like Charlene, wait even longer to find out the gender!

But I won't keep you in suspense.

Much longer.

Just a bit.

Because you know the suspense and build up is the BEST part!


You must think so.

Christmas morning is like that!!

Waiting for Christmas is often better than actual Christmas.

Christmas itself goes by too fast.

And we can treasure the drawn-out build up!


You've waited long and patiently enough.

So I might as well just tell you now....

Its a girl! Her name will be Katherine Jane Elizabeth.