Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

31 Weeks!

WOW! The time has gone SOOOO fast. I can't believe we're at 31 weeks!!

I (bravely) got on the scale this morning. I wasn't going to be too surprised because i've been eating like a glutton lately. I am now +14. not too shabby.

Patrick had his 18M check up today. He weighs 25 lbs and is 32 inches tall. He is pretty much on track for development, ahead in some areas, behind in others - mostly language related. He also got 2 immunizations - 1 in each arm - and was very upset but recovered quite quickly.

After his appointment, we went to the end of playgroup, and then he fell asleep in the van before we could get home!! He is now sleeping and will be VERY HUNGRY when he gets up.