Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lookie what I bought!

After much thought and discussion about a double stroller, Shaun and I had come to the conclusion that we were going to try to make a go of it without one. We figured I could use the sling while Kathryn was small, and put P in the stroller, or Patrick could walk while Kathryn was in the stroller. If we were ALL going out, we could use both strollers.

I was completly OK with this idea.... until I realized how much Shaun is really away and how much I am on my own.. and how much I would MISS walking! We do have the wagon, but its unlikely that Kathryn would be big enough for it until NEXT year.

Double strollers are EXPENSIVE. The one that would work with our infant car seat was over $200. I couldn't really justify spending that much.

I didn't know, but my mother-in-law had been keeping an eye out for a used one for us. Monday night she told me about one that was listed in the Bruce classifides and I called and went to look at it today. IT LOOKS GREAT! It doesn't accept our car seat, but the backseat reclines fully, so Kathryn would be happy there. It was in almost-new condition and was only $75.

Besides missing out on walking, I was fully planning to miss out on going to several of my favourite stores because the carts weren't designed for 2 babies at once. I was planning to go to these places on days that Shaun was home -- together we could use 2 carts, or I could take one child or *gasp!* go alone!

Now I can go ANYWHERE I want!

The double stroller folds up ALMOST as small as my single stroller!! AND it stands neatly in the space between the back hatch of the van and the very back seat. PLUS it isn't that heavy! AND it has 1-handed fold!
