Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, June 09, 2006

Moment in history

We had a moment in history at the McLaren house today. Patrick WILLINGLY drank his juice from a sippy cup! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of him!

We have been trying different sippy cups for about 4 months now, and they have all been rejected. About 2 months ago, my MIL bought P a small, soft-mouthed sippy and he has been using it when we are there, minus the stopper. So basically, it was a cup with a spout... he needed help to drink out of it because it was free-flowing, but I think thats where he really caught onto the idea, thanks to much patience from my MIL and much 'forgetfulness' on my part to ever bring him a bottle. Bad mommy!

So here he is, in his kodak-moment pose! Hurrah!