Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Clean House


I have had a wonderful day. I spent the morning with Patrick, of course, who was in better spirits than he has been of late. It seems that tooth has finally poked through and it appears to be the 2nd tooth back from the eye tooth, and its got 3 nasty peaks. Poor kid :( I am glad he is feeling better.

This morning after we had breakfast and played, we went to Giant Tiger and then the Dollarstore. Then we came home and played in the living room and downstairs. At 10:15 P had a nap, and slept till almost 1!!!! WOWOWOW!! I didn't want to wake him but I was beginning to be concerned after he passed the 2.5 hour mark. After lunch, we played in the kitchen and chased the kitty, swang outside and blew bubbles. At 3 Patrick had his hair cut. He got about 3/4" taken off!! It was getting in his eyes, but without it he looks so old! Like such a little boy, and so unlike a baby. He's growing up so fast.

After his haircut, I took him to Shaun's parents as they had offered to have a sleepover with him. I was home by 3:30 and attacked the rest of my cleaning. I vacuumed all the floors, then used the carpet cleaner on the carpets and washed the floors. It took me over 2 hours of non-stop work to accomplish this, afterwhich I had a lovely dinner and then a long hot shower. Bliss.

After my shower, I folded a load of towels, put the dark load in, and then soaked my feet in the foot spa while watching TV.

And now I'm waiting for Shaun to come home -- oh there he is.

I must admit that although I got a lot accomplished, I am truly missing my little guy. I think its partly pregnancy hormones, but I really want him back. Now. I called and left a message with Shaun's parents just to see how things were going but I haven't heard back yet, and its 8 p.m.-- Patrick's usual bed time, so now I'm worried -- likely for no reason.

Well I must go.