Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

25 hours to go!

At this time tomorrow (6:45) I will be at the hospital checking into the surgical unit and being prepped for Kathryn's birth. The surgery is scheduled to start at 7:45, with her birth being around 8 a.m. I will likely be moved to recovery by 8:45ish and then spend about 2-3 hours there until I get the feeling back in my legs. Then I will FINALLY get to hold my little girl. I can't wait.

I had my final weigh-in this morning and I've gained EXACTLY 30 lbs. NOt to shabby at all! I would have prefered 25, but I didn't work that hard at not gaining weight, so I am happy with where I am.

Shaun has gone to work. He left just before I got up, but I know he had a nice long hot shower because he left me JUST enough water for a 4-minute rush job. I was not amused. Tomorrow I'm having FIRST shower and I might just be nice enough to leave him enough hot water so he can experience the frustration.

This morning, Mr. P and I are getting groceries and then at 10 we're going to his school to re-introduce him to his teacher and the playground. I've been very worried about him going to school tomorrow because he's been off for a week and a half (they were closed and then monday was a holiday). I am hoping that a brief re-introduction to his teacher and some of his friends during his favourite part of the day (outside play) will help him when he is dropped off by my parents on Thursday morning.

Patrick is also teething. He seems to be getting his 2nd year molar (tooth #17) on the bottom right. Yesterday he was chewing his fingers so hard that he had indents from his other teeth on them, and they were red and sore. I've been keeping him fairly drugged to help with the pain, but he refuses to use chewey toys. I've been feeding him smallish-hard things so that hopefully he will crunch them over the new tooth site as a way of teething. I also brought more icecream bars up from the basement freezer as they have helped in the past.

My parents are set to arrive today around 11 a.m. Mom is going to stay here with P while Dad and I go to the hospital for an OB appointment and my presurgical screening appointment. It would also be nice to hit walmart, time permitting.

I can't believe we're down to the final hours. I'm not even sure I'm ready!!