Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We're home!

on Jan 4th, Kathryn was born at 8:37 a.m. weighing 7 lbs, 13 oz (making Sara, dad and Janae equal winners of the birth weight prize) and 19 inches long. She has a TON of dark black hair and really long fingernails! We've been joking that she spent more time concentrating on her hair and nails then growing longer. Silly girl.

The surgery was completely different for me this time. I could feel every tug, pull, push. It was quite nauseating! However, my time spent in recover was about half of what it was with Patrick which was terrific. I got to hold my little girl IN the operating room before she and Shaun were off for tests, etc. She's got a clear bill of health!

The first night went well. She's quite the nurser on my right side, but is rejecting the left. We've tried quite a few things to get her to latch and she did successfully once - but now the left is sooo engorged there is nothing really I can do. We're going to call around about breast sheilds and hope that helps. Otherwise, I'll let the left dry up and we'll feed exclusively on the right - it can be done! And the aggrivation for both of us concerning the left is just too much.

K is also eating formula after nursing each feeding. The amount has decreased drastically so we can only assume that she's getting 90% of her meals from me! This is quite encouraging as by this time I had completely given up with Patrick. I am quite excited at the prospect of having a child that nurses and not having to worry about bottles.

She is a very content baby. Sleeps well in her crib or anywhere. Last night she went from 1-5 without waking, but I woke her at 5 to eat because I needed relief.

Right now she is napping in the swing - which isn't swinging because the batteries died last night. They are on the shopping list.

Patrick is doing well too. He's still working on that 17th tooth so he's a bit cranky. He was thrilled to meet his sister and was just fascinated with her and he wasn't 'mad' at us which was nice. Today I'm going to make quite an effort to spend some quailty time with him as we haven't had any since the 3rd.

As for me, I am healing well. I'm slow, and I can't pick up anything heavy, but I'm finding ways around it. I can pick up P if I'm sitting because I use my back, not my abs, which is great because I need my Patrick hugs :)

I was going to post a picture , but all the ones of me are terrible. WE're planning a photo session later today after K has her bath, so there will eventually be photos. Stay tuned!