Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post Christmas


Its been a GREAT Christmas! We've seen lots of family, eaten lots of food, and exchanged lots of gifts.

Christmas with my parents was fun, but went so fast! I am glad we were able to spend a few days with them before the event to really enjoy their company.

Christmas with Shaun's parents was also a ton of fun and Patrick was really REALLY good at both events.

I think the highlight for me was Christmas morning, when Shaun, Patrick and I exchanged gifts by the tree, in our PJs, just us three. I really enjoyed watching Patrick get interested in his stocking gifts and play with his 'big stuff' - he got a tent/tunnel set and the fisher price little people ABC zoo.

I am also thrilled that Shaun liked his gift from me! I had a great time researching and putting it together for him. I think he's 'played' with all the bits already!

Patrick was thoroughly spoiled, recieving a LOT of gifts! He got some clothes (YAY!) including boxer briefs!, a potty, step stools so he can reach the bathroom sinks, and new toys. His current favourite? A ball-popper from Auntie Boo.

I was also thoroughly spoiled this year from all fronts. Highlights include: Christmas 'ice' ornament with colourful lighting from below, crocs, software to create cards and calendars, webcam, and serving plates.

Even Kathryn got gifts! She got a white-noise machine, a stuffed elephant and bear-doll, and a hand-made blanket.

An extraspecialgift we recieved was a DVD collection of P's pictures from birth to now, set to music and presented in a slide show from Shaun's sister. When we played it, we both cried -- it was so touching. Thank you Boo!

Today Shaun and I are going to hit the boxing day sales. We're not looking for anything in particular, but I still need a few odds and ends before K's birth.

p wants me to play! More later.

I hope EVERYONE had a FANTASTIC Christmas with friends and family!