Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh the joy of being sick

Patrick is ill. He has a really really nasty gross cough which keeps him from sleeping and makes him generally miserable. He also seems to have a sore throat because he won't eat much of anything and is surviving on puree jared food, mac&cheese, yogert, milk and apple juice. He is also up numerous times in the night because he needs a drink -- who doesn't when they're sick? Heck, I get up several times a night for a drink anyway, and I'm not sick. Poor kid.

On Tuesday, I decided we should see someone to get him checked and rule out anything overly nasty. Unfortunately, our primary care provider has the week off. She always has excellent timing! We generally go to the hospital every time she has vacation. We must be on totally opposite schedules. Last time she was on vacation, Shaun got walking pneumonia and the time before that Patrick had an ear infection.

Shaun's mother came with me, which was a complete life-saver because we had to wait 3 hours. There were many MANY times I thought about leaving because the wait was awful for everyone, but we needed to be sure that Patrick was OK and didn't have something severe. Unfortunately, the waiting area at the hospital is being renovated, so the 'waiting area' is actually a hall... with chairs.... and a few old magazines. No toys. No carpet. No TV. Dorothy and I spent a lot of time just wheeling Patrick around the very small hospital to change the scenery. Thank goodness we had the stroller in the van!

When we finally did get to see the doctor, Patrick had just about had it. Being prodded and poked was hard on him and there were lots of tears. The news? He's got a virus that is going around: sore throat, icky chest cough, generally crankiness. Should last 14 days. Poor kid.

Tuesday night he slept OK. But last night he was a mess. I lost count of the times Shaun and I were up with him, giving him juice/water/formula/backrubs/buppies/hugs and kisses. The coughing was just awful and I winced everytime he broke into a coughing spell. Fortunately, he was able to sleep through some of his coughing fits.

It was a bad night for everyone and to top it off this morning we found that his diaper couldn't handle the barrage of liquids and leaked all over the sheet. Upon reflection, all together while wearing that diaper we gave him over 32 oz of liquid. We shouldn't have been surprised at the leakage, but its been so long since we needed to do a middle-of-the-night diaper change it didn't even cross our minds.

I am hoping he is feeling better soon.