Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, February 24, 2006

I did it! I did it! I did it!

I finally won at Nintendo Mario Bros III!!!

Stop laughing. Its an accomplishmet to me!

In December, my parents gave me back my ORIGINAL Nintendo entertainment system, games and controller. When I had moved out, my mom wanted to keep it because she still played Tetris and Dr. Mario, but she had since gotten Tetris in hand-held form. My parents are in the midst of finishing their basement, and there was no longer room for the nintendo when dad got HDTV.

By co-incidence, Shaun and I got a TV from Shaun's grandmother. It was originally Shauns, but had stopped working except on Channel 3 or 4 which is fine for us because we have sattelite. So that larger TV went in our bedroom and Shaun set up the small one in the spare room with the nintendo.

So, instead of being aggrivated when I put Mr. P down for a nap, waiting for him to fall asleep, I played Nintendo. Its taken me about a month to 'win' the game -- I just left it at a good spot and turned off the TV, then picked up again where I left off for the next nap time. And so, 30 minutes at a time, while Patrick fell asleep, I would play and check on him, and after he was under, I'd go do housework or whatever.

I'm pretty proud of myself! I don't recall ever winning the game before so its pretty exciting.