Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, February 16, 2006

jynxing myself

Well, we finally have a routine! But I know that if I write it down, it will all go to pot, but I wanted to share it anyway.

I LOVE having a routine. It means I can plan my day too, and know that Patrick is getting what he wants/need at the same time.

He gets up in the morning between 6 and 7:30 and has a 7 oz bottle back in bed with me/us.

Then I get up and change and dress him. Then downstairs for Cherrios while I have my breakfast.

Then we play! Until about 9 a.m. when he goes down for his first nap. Then I get 'me' time -- usually to clean up the kitchen, or shovel the driveway and shower. He sleeps anywhere from 30-90 minutes and then he gets up and has some juice and 'breakfast' -- some variety of fruit and cereal mixed together, and then toast or waffle fingers and cherrios (again!).

After this, we play again -- usually downstairs where he gets a bit of TV and I do laundry/work on the scrapbook/etc.

For lunch, P usually isn't that hungry but I try to feed him some cheese and veg, and then cherrios again! AGAIN! lol I have my lunch, and then we run our errands if we have any. Home again, its usually nap time around 1 p.m. Again, he naps 30-90 minutes and I do some clean up or relax myself.

P gets up and we play again, usually in the living room, and then I pull dinner together. We eat, and then play again (time permitting) then its bath time, snuggle time, bottle time and bed time.

Its a nice little routine! :)