Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

its been a really really really really really really REALLY long time!

Ok.. not THAT long. Its been LESS than a month thank-you-very-much :)

Ok ok where to start? Lesse... what happened AFTER January 15, 2006?

Well, on January 17th, we got a boil water advisory. Now, really, its not that inconvenient. We already boil water for Patrick, so whats a little extra for us? Until you start thinking about doing dishes -- you have to boil water for that too, and brushing your teeth, and baths for Patrick (they recommend sponge baths)... and it just seems a little out of hand! Fortunately we were scheduled to visit my parents on the 19th, so we only endured a couple days of fun.

There was a party for Shaun & my birthday at my parents place on Thursday the 19th with food and presents and cake. Mom made me new curtains for the living room, and Sara (et al) got me some scrapbooking items and wendy's gift certificates. Shaun had a guys weekend on the 20th to 23rd, so Patrick and I got to enjoy mom & dad (and charlie). We did lots of fun things! We had lunch at Pizza hut with Auntie Sara and Janae, played cards with great grandpa Bert, hung out with Sara & the daycare kids and shopped! I got new glasses! We were having a lot of fun, and avoiding the ongoing boil water advisory, until...

January 25th, when we got an early morning call that Shaun's Papa had died. We left Patrick with my parents, and drove to Perth (5 hours). It was a very emotional time, and Shaun's Nana was understandably very upset. There were 2 visitations and the service, and one night we got to spend time with Nana and showed her the pictures of Patrick. Nana's mind is failing her, and she didn't really remember either of us (poor Shaun), but she knew who Patrick was! Dorothy makes sure to put lots of pictures of him around her room and she knew who he was. We came back to my parents place on the 28th, packed up the remainder of our stuff and drove home. 8 hours onthe road in one day is enough to make anyone go crazy!

My SIL got a new apartment with her boyfriend, James. They took posession on Feb 1st but were able to move in their stuff before hand. We were excited because we had a table & 6 chairs, a coffee table and a computer & computer table for them and were glad to get them out! Their apartment is really nice, its on the main street but has access from the back too making it more private. I really like the way they've set it up, although I've yet to see the final stage of it. When the weather gets nicer, Patrick and I will be able to walk there! I can't wait to be able to walk to downtown again.

Then it snowed. And it snowed and snowed and snowed and over the course of 3 days, we got about 70 cm of snow. The first day, Shaun shoveled the main drive, and I did the end after the plough came. The second day we hired a guy to do it for $20. Best $20 I ever spent, he was GREAT and since all 3 off us were down with colds, it was terrific. The third day, I shoveled twice! I did the whole thing over an hour and a half while Patrick napped and then brought him out to sit in the stroller and watch, and then did another half hour later that afternoon after the plough came. Its getting to the point where there is NO space to put anymore snow. I've built a really great ramp off the side of the drive, but its just crazy. AND they're calling for another onslaught of the white stuff tonight. Ugh.

On Feb 9th, I celebrated my 28th birthday. It was a great day! Patrick and I met up with Sara, Janae and my mom in Hanover and had some fun shopping and having lunch. When I got home, someone had shoveled the driveway for me -- what a great surprise! I was expecting to do it myself. That evening, Shaun took me out for dinner and the whole kitchen staff came out to sing "happy birthday". After, everyone came back here for cake and presents. Shaun got me the first season of ER, Lisa and James got me a resturant GC and Shaun's parents got me a carpet cleaner! I can't wait to use it! But I can wait, because that means that SOMEONE has made a mess that I have to clean up! Boooo.

And Today is Valentines day. Both my boys are sleeping -- Patrick for a nap, and Shaun is still fighting that darn cold. Boo. Shaun got me a basket of chocolates and I got him a Simpsons pizza cutter -- he loves it!

Well, I think we're back up to date now. Whew!