Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, February 19, 2006

rollin' rollin' rollin'

Its happened. Patrick is MOBILE! He can roll and roll and roll and get all the way across the living room -- if he wants to. I'm not sure he's figured out that he can do it! Ha ha! But it is so much fun to watch.

Our baby proofing skills will soon be put to the test and my house will be a disaster. He's also started pulling up! No success yet, but the desire is there. Look out kitties!!

Also, Patrick wanted me to add that "socks suck" and "toes are delicious". And now he's clapping his feet. Silly boy.

I'm glad he's so happy! We've all been sick -- Shaun for over a week and me close behind. Nasty bug with body/head ache so bad that I had to 'ban' all of the noisy toys for a couple of days including squeeky fish and the rainstick -- it made me want to curl up in a ball on the floor.

I'd just like to be healthy, thanks. I'd also like a full nights sleep that isn't interrupted with coughing or the need to go to the kitchen for a drink or medicine. I think I might actually have a nap today with Patrick.