Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, February 24, 2006

its Friday -- yippie!

And it REALLY FEELS like Friday..... Shaun has Saturday & Sunday off.

Patrick and I had an off day yesterday. It was really rough. He's sick, and I'm just at the tail end (I HOPE!!!) and sooo tired from coughing in the night and getting up to give him juice and hugs. So yesterday, i tried to nap. This is rare. I don't usually try to nap because, without fail, it is the EXACT nap that he will only sleep 10-20 minutes, and then wake up screaming. This always puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. So usually, I do other things instead of nap -- watch mindless TV (the MAURY show paternity test results is my fav), work on my scrapbook, play solitare, surf the net, but yesterday I NEEDED that nap SOOOO much that I risked it, and of course, on que, he only slept briefly and woke up screaming.

I was a zombee for the rest of the day and rather annoyed. He was rather annoyed too, because he was tired, but he wouldn't nap. So i decided to keep him awake until bedtime, then I know he'd sleep. So he was up yesterday, from 1 till 6:30 -- a very big stretch for him. And he still didn't sleep that well :( But I slept better. Not as per usual, but at least better.... only 2 coughing fits I think.

Today is baby group. We haven't been for 2 weeks, so I planned the day so that we could definetly go. Patrick has a habit of wanting to nap at 1 p.m. so instead of a morning nap this morning at 9, we went shopping and I kept him up until 10:30. I'm really surprised he lasted that long! So now he is sleeping, and then he'll get up, play, have lunch and we can go and hang out with the other babies and moms. Yay!

Tonight for dinner I'm being brave. We're having home-made pizza. I'm using the bread maker to make the dough, and I bought sauce, pepperoni and mozza cheese. I hope it works out! The breadmaker makes enough for 2 pizzas so I'll freeze half the dough for another day. Patrick LOVES garlic bread/strips so I'll thaugh it out one day just for us.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!