Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm bored

Me being bored is a RARE event. Usually I'm so run off my feet that by the time its time to go to bed I'm more than ready. Between laundry, cleaning, snow shovelling, laundry, the cats, Patrick and laundry some days I look at the clock and wonder how it all went by so fast.

But not today.

Today has just dragged on and on and on. Patrick is clingy, and sleely, and I have no housework to do today, and Shaun took the van to work so I can't go out. The driveway doesn't REALLY need to be shoveled.. and no one has written in their blogs. BOOOO.

So, finally it is 5:30. Just about bath time, then bottle time, and then bed time. Patrick refused his afternoon nap, so he's super sleepy already, which isn't a good thing. If he goes to bed too early, he'll be up way too early too. BOOO.

But thats not the point. I'm not looking to go to bed, I'm looking for something to DO. I worked a bit on his scrapbook -- on the teeth page -- but I can't do any more until I finish collecting Christmas pictures. I'm already 2 months behind, soon it will be 3. BOOOO.

Patrick has just finished cramming dinner into his mouth. Eating dinner with Patrick is amusing, but the conversation is definetly lacking. Tonight we dined on chicken, beans, sweet potato and garlic bread (a Patrick favourite). He also had pumpkin puree mixed with oatmeal cereal. Yum.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is bath time. Wheee.