Thoughts and ramblings

Monday, December 04, 2006

Winter Wonderland

We've got snow!

And Shaun used the snowblower for the first time today! I was hoping to get pics, but I was dealing with Mr. P so I didn't get a chance.

We also have decorated (except for the tree) our house. Its looking quite festive in here, but I need to get some more green garland and red bows to dress up a few more things. Probably do that later.

In other news, Mr. P had a nap-free day yesterday. We put him down to nap at his regular nap time, but he did not sleep. Since he had pulled this the other day with Shaun, we got him up for a bit to finish tiring him out but he just didn't tire.... all in all he was up for 11 hours straight!!!!! ACK! I am not sure I'm ready to lose nap time!! Should be interesting to see what he does today. If he has decided he doesn't need a nap, that is fine! Instead, he will get 'rest' time where he is in his room, with a small light on, in his crib with books and toys.... because mommy still needs a rest time. *sigh* I thought kids needed afternoon naps until 2.5 years!! I guess Patrick forgot to read that part of his manual.

We're just about on our way out the door to pick him up and go to the post office.