Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Patrick's walking is really coming along well. We are up to over 20 consecutive steps!!! We are so proud of him.

We've been working really hard with him on identifying body parts. Supposidly, by 18 months, he should be able to point to 5 different body parts when we name them. So far we are stuck at 'nose' and Shaun is working on him with 'ears'. Patrick will happily touch your nose when asked, but can't seem to find his own. Shaun has had some luck with 'ears' but nothing permanant.

Patrick also has a new 'word'. You may recall that before he could say 'kitty' he would meow instead. Well, now he pants three times to identify a dog. I think he also said 'puppy'! But I'm not totally sure. By 18 months we're supposed to have 5 words. We're getting there!!!