Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, July 13, 2006


It is 5:57 a.m. I have been awake since 5:30. I cannot get back to sleep, despite being tired. UGH!

Yesterday, I put the second coat of paint in P's new room, and Shaun took out the carpet. The floor looks terrific! I am so pleased about that. While we are away this next week, Shaun's mom is going to put a coat of finish-white on the ceiling. Yes we should have done that before the 'real' paint, but we were toying with the idea of painting the ceiling blue too. We decided against it.

Today we're taking Syd to the dealership to get the oil changed. We'll also hit walmart and zellers and we might go out for lunch. This afternoon I need to vacuum the house, change the spare bed, do laundry and pack.

Tomorrow we are leaving for my parent's place for a week. We're also going to a wedding on Saturday. I even bought a new outfit which is a good thing since my stomach is expanding. I still do not look pregnant though, just fatter. I'm almost 4 months along now.

Next week Shaun will be helping my dad re-build the shed, and they'll also get some golf time in. Mom and I will be working on the curtains for P's closet and hopefully find some fabric for the new one's bedding! Wish us luck.

Since everyone else is still asleep, kitties included, I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself. I can't go trapsing around upstairs or I'll wake up P because he's a really light sleeper and easily disturbed, despite the 'white noise' machine we use in his room.