Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


What a storm we had last night! It was crazy! The wind was so strong I thought for sure we'd be under a tornado warning. Our power flickerd and went out briefly, and when the lightening flashed we could see there were tree limbs down, and the canopy on the deck had fallen and looked twisted by the wind. It all died down and we were able to sleep!

This morning we got up to survey and clean up the damage. The canopy was mangled beyond repair, there was a tree down in the back, leaning on the house. Two spruce trees out front lost their tops, and there were pieces of popplar everywhere. Behind the shed, giant popplar limbs were down. Fortunately, there was only minor damage to the house, and there was no damage to our van which was parked in the driveway.

Mom and I went to work on the front, clearning the large limbs, and raking up the small ones to bag. The boys worked out back taking down the fallen tree, and one for the neighbour, and dragging huge limbs into piles. What a mess.

Fortunately, it all seemed to go smoothly. On Friday a team is coming with a chipper to get rid of the wood which will save us countless runs to the dump.