Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I don't buy into that song and dance.

I was starting to feel guilty. I thought it had been a long time since I wrote in here last, but its only been 3 days.

Generally, 3 days isn't so long, however, if my friends haven't posted in 3 days I start wondering whats keeping them from it!

Shaun was off yesterday and today, and will be working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We got a lot accomplished! Yesterday we vacuumed and washed all the floors, ran errands and flipped and re-adjusted Patrick's car seat. He's now facing forward!! He was so excited when we put him in the car and he really enjoyed taking a trip to Southampton. We put him on the passenger side, so that I can quickly glance back to check on him when its just us. Before, he was on the driver's side and we used a little mirror contraption that we purchased at Walmart to keep an eye on him. Statistically, either side of the vehicle is equally likely to take a 'hit', and the safest spot is in the middle. This was not an option for us with 2 captains chairs.

Today we washed ALL the windows. What a task! I'd forgotten what was involved, especially in our 'old' windows. The front bay window is the WORST because it is divided and has storm windows as well. The WORST glass to clean, however, is our french doors. There are 60 little rectangles. UGH. My arm was sore by the time I was done with it. But everything looks so clean it was well worth it. Last step is to wash all the curtains -- they are currently in a heap at the bottom of the basement stairs. Maybe tomorrow.

So, right when I was writing this, there was a knock at our door. It was a man with a clipboard so I asked Shaun to get it. When they started talking about electricity rates, I got in on the conversation. A little history: in the fall, a man, who wasn't particularly professional but tried to pass himself off as very knowledgeable and professional, rang my doorbell. He tried to sell us a fixed-rate natural gas plan which started at a higher rate then we were currently paying. I was wary... he said I couldn't think about it that he was only in the area today, and I had to make a decision NOW. I said no. I'm glad I did. Although natural gas went up slightly, we're still paying our 'equal monthly billing' and we're still in the + (we've payed for more gas then we've used). This guy was trying to sell the same thing, but for electricity. He was pretty crafty. He said we didn't understand what he was trying to say. I think I did. I think I'll stick with what we've got. Everything goes up in price-- thats life. How is this 'fixed rate' company making money if we're "paying less"? That makes no sense. Of course they're trying to play us and make a buck. Argh!