Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

sleep saga continues


I think Patrick has reached the 'separation anxiety' stage -- at least thats what his current sleeping habits are telling me. He goes to bed at night just fine! But when he wakes up and realizes he's alone, its panic time. He screames until we come to settle him. This would be OK if it was a once-in-a-while experience, but the nightly routine of many wakings is really starting to wear on us. We have tried letting him cry-it-out but I always feel guilty. He's crying because he needs me, unlike when he's whining because he's grouchy.

Last night Patrick went to bed without issue at 7. Shaun came home around 8 and we watched American Idol (HOUSE was a re-run). There are a couple of REALLY great singers on there, but it drives me CRAZY how long it takes to get from one to the other. Honestly, if they cut out half the commercials (they had a set of commercials after every 2 singers) and cut down on the commentary it could have EASILY fit into one hour. Anyway, thats a different story.

Patrick started about 11:30ish with his routine of 'screaming' for us. I have no idea how many times Shaun got up with him, but I was up 2 or 3. The problem lies in the earliness of the beginning of the 'screaming'. It seems that after the first bout of it, it continues, every 1/2-2 hours until morning. I don't know how 'dead' Shaun was feeling this morning, but I am quite 'worn' from the whole thing, especially every night. I can't remember the last time I had a consecutive nights sleep.

Speaking of sleep, today's nap is apparently a no-go. Of course. We have an appointment with the doctor and have to be out the door by 10:10. Normally, he'd nap starting about 8-8:30 and I would have woken him at 10 to go. How the heck does he know?! I barely got a shower in before he was wailing. I went in and found him in an awful position. I fixed it, and went on to do some chores. Well, it didn't stop. I was in and out several times because of the wailing and fixed his position (crammed up the end, sideways, on his belly; trapped face down (there was room to breathe) under the 'fish'; scooched all the way down the end with feet trapped between the slats) only to have him do something else creative and wail again. I don't honestly care if he naps, but I know what a grouch he's going to be in an hour or so because he didn't. I tried, but its so frustrating. And I'm the one who will pay for it later with a grouchy grouchy-pants. UGH!

Well, time to get ME ready to go. I'm sure I'll have to listen to him wail while I get dressed and attempt to do my hair and face.

Its going to be one of 'those' days. ARGH.