Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, April 16, 2006

search and destroy

Yesterday Shaun was home and we were able to get a lot of yardwork done.

I think I've mentioned how overgrown our gardens and yard were when we bought the house. We purchased it in the winter, so I think that might be why we were happily unaware of what was ahead in terms of yardwork.

Yesterday morning, we were able to get out while Patrick was napping. Shaun worked on raking the back yard and I took out yet another plant. This was the LAST plant in a garden that surrounded the deck and now Shaun can rip out the 4x4s holding it together and we can spread the soil around the yard. Yah! After that, I bagged with Shaun had raked.

By this time Patrick had joined us, having finished his morning nap, and we sat him in the middle of a double bed sized blanket with toys and books to play. What he really wanted, however, was the grass. Mmmm. Delicious grass. We spent more time putting him back in the middle than we did working. This is probably why we tend to save our yardwork for naptime!

After we came back in, my parents called to say they wanted to come and visit us, just for the day! I was excited! They had a busy weekend planned, and I was glad they were going to come and visit.

They arrived ready to help us work in the yard! Dad quickly cut through the large branches I had removed due to snow damage, and then went to work on more bushes that had been slated to go. Shaun worked at removing stumps, and mom & I removed brush to the trailer, and when that was full, to a pile beside the trailer. With everyone's help, we cleared EVERYTHING from the pool area! So exciting!!!!

Now all that is left is removing stumps, and then we can get to work on taking out the extra soil to make the patio. We'll be putting the soil on our pathetic lawn to help it out.