Thoughts and ramblings

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Freaky storm

I was downstairs folding laundry, and I could hear this scratching sound in the pipes. My immediate thought was "oh crap, we have mice again... better get the trap out"... but scratching intensified and it turned into a 'ping' sound... and it was getting louder... and spreading... and I was totally confused what could be in ALL my pipes.

I called Shaun in. He listened. We looked at eachother dumbfounded. Then he said "well, it is raining" and I said "yes, but... how is that making our pipes 'ping' -- its everywhere!" Then it hit me ... the windows were open! The rain was coming in and hitting the air vents and falling down into the furnace pipes!!!

Shaun ran upstairs and closed the windows... I continued to fold laundry.

Laundry finally folded (2 full baskets -- you can see why I wasn't going to be distracted from finally finishing it), I came upstairs only to find Shaun running out the door to put the van in the garage.

Then I saw it: HAIL! Huge bits of packed ice&snow bouncing off the lawn, off the driveway and rivers of water flowing down the street. Our ditch was full. Lightening flashing and thunder rumbling. Quite the storm!!

Here are some pictures: