Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, March 31, 2006

Its the last day of march!

I am sooo glad that spring appears to finally be here. I have really missed the warm weather -- more than I even imagined. Its so nice to get outside and work! So far we've ripped out a small garden, dug out the 4 stumps from that, put in more topsoil and seeded it. I cleaned out the front garden, raked the east side of the house, pruned 7 bushes and laid grass seed where we had removed gardens last year.

Our property came with a LOT of overgrown, OLD gardens. I like to garden, but I like it MANAGEABLE -- which it was not. The property was over-run with overgrown gardens! With the help of my mom I re-worked the front garden last year, and ripped out the one on the east side. The year before we took out the one on the west side. This year I still have a garden near the back deck to remove and then I have to tackle the pool garden.

The garden in the pool area is the worst of all. First of all, its HUGE. You have to climb into it to reach to the back. Its horribly overgrown with plants and trees and is just a MESS. My mother in law got started on it last year, but its just so overwhelming! On top of that, the other 3 sides of the pool also have smaller gardens that I plan to rip out (there is nothing worth keeping in them). We'll spray killex on the soil, and then cover it with patio stones so nothing grows back.

With this lovely weather, I'm able to get out for at least an hour a day to work while P has his morning nap. Its wonderful! So good for the spirit!

I should post a picture of the pool garden. Trust me, its awful.