Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Well...that was fun!

We had a great time away. I really like it when Shaun has a chunk of time off with me, and we really get to be together.

On Friday (which actually felt like a Friday), we packed up and headed to Orangeville. Patrick and I napped on the way in the car. It was great to see my parents and we all played a new game called 'sequence' which is TONS of fun!

Saturday (which felt like Friday) we left Patrick with my parents and went to Newmarket for Christmas shopping. We had a BLAST and are now 99.9% done! Yippie! And yes, we did see Charlene, her mom & Benji. Char's mom & I met in the most popular spot in the mall: the woman's washroom! We returned to Orangeville after dinner at Montanas and played even MORE Sequence before heading to bed.

Sunday (which felt like Saturday) was also busy. We met up with friends in Beeton to celebrate Steph's birthday, and then we went to my sister's to celebrate Mattea & Janae's birthdays too! Patrick had a great time in Beeton with the twins (they are 13 months old) and also had a great time at my sister's place.

Monday Shaun got up with Patrick and I got to sleep in (heaven!) which was very nice. We got packed up and we came back home and set up the tree! Its very lovely, and its decoration-free right now until Ramses gets used to it again. He hasn't tried to climb it yet, but we put the water bottle right beside it -- just in case.

And now its Tuesday (but it feels like Monday) and Shaun is working 12 hours. My goal today is to get the bathroom cleaned and give the house a general tidy... and maybe bring the rest of the decorations upstairs. We also have erands to run. And at some point, I'd like to have a shower.

Amy: I'll post a picture of the tree as soon as I can locate the camera!