Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I had a lovely morning -- ALL BY MYSELF!

Syd (the sleek silver Sedona) was due for routine mateniance today, and so a trip to Owen Sound was necessary. Shaun took care of Patrick, and I got to have a morning ALL BY MYSELF!

There were 4 things that needed doing on the van: Oil Change (and wrap-around service), fix the sound system, a recall on wheelbearings and another recall on the something-or-other sleve. I dropped the van off, and then happily scampered across the road to WALMART!

Now, most of you probably don't understand why that place evokes such happy bliss for me, but that is likely because you are unaware that Port Elgin, although a lovely town, has pretty much no shopping except for a large grocery store and some lovely shops on the main drag, most of which are NOT accessible with a stroller. (WOW! That sentence has 60 words! Crazy!) Patrick and I do a lot of little-shop-shopping when we can, and we get our groceries locally of course, but you just can't shop downtown the way you can SHOP at Walmart!

So there I was, camera card in one hand, list in the other. First stop -- the kodak machine where I printed out the October pictures for Patrick's scrapbook. I had to be really quick about printing a page of his 'precious details' which contained up-close pictures of his nose, belly button, ear, hands, feet and yes, cute little bum.

After that, I needed a cart, and used it to happily circle the store about 5 times checking things off my list, and browsing the isles and isles of things that are really really neat, but... when would I use it and where on earth would I store it?

I also started christmas shopping, but in the spirit of the season I can't tell you what I bought or who it was for :)

After checking out and balancing the load of bags between my left and right hands, and truddged back across the road to the dealership, paid my ENORMOUS bill ($13.67), loaded the bags, and I was off!

But now it was lunchtimeish... and I was hungry... and the prospect of eating an entire meal without tending a kid, or having one on my lap was too tempting. MmmMmm Wendys!

Home again, the boys were happy to see me and listen to me tell my shopping tales. And just like that, my morning off was over and it was back to reality.

Of course, reality is the best place to be and there is no where else I'd rather spend my time.... but a little time off is always nice.