Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So... we went for a walk...

I get a little stir-crazy sometimes being in the house for 12 hours by myself with an infant who's entire vocab consists of da-da-da and an assortment of other amusing, but non-conversational noises. I love to imitate Patrick's wide range of noises, which he finds quite funny since Mommy is not capable of making them exactly the same way.

Anyway, I bundled Patrick up and we went for a walk to the grocery store, it takes about 20 mintues. We only needed 6 things, but that wasn't the point.

The weather man has been calling for rain for the past few days, but the weather has been quite nice. So I chanced it. It was only slightly overcast anyway.

The trip there was uneventful. The trip home, however, it started to spit and the wind picked right up. I tried to use Patrick's stroller 'wind shield' plastic thingie, but the wind was so strong it ripped it off. The stroller's 'bonnett' was just as uselss, as it wouldn't stay unfolded. There were leaves whipping everywhere! It was actually quite lovely, except they were coming right at us and it was quite the task pushing the stroller against the wind. I now have a lovely bottom-of-stroller basket full of yellow leaves.

Patrick finished his bottle and went down for a nap! Time for lunch. Chicken and rice yum!