Thoughts and ramblings

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Calendar says "Monday" but my body says "Saturday"

Well we made it. Shaun worked six 12-hour shifts last week, and now he's off for 7 days -- a combination of regular rest days and a couple of vacation days since this coming weekend is our 2-year anniversary.
But now my body is in total shock. Its apparently Monday, but since my hubby is home it feels like Saturday. I figure I'll be lost for the entire week.

This week we'll be putting up the Christmas lights, tree and doing general Christmas decorating. We started this tradition last year after going Christmas shopping on our anniversary weekend. In fact, we're making it a yearly tradition to do the majority of our Christmas shopping on our anniversary weekend. We'll be going down to Orangeville for 4 days, and mom & dad will watch Mr. P on Saturday so we can go and shop shop shop at Upper Canada Mall. I've just about got our shopping lists ready -- look out VISA!

I made soup today. We had some veggies just hanging out in the fridge, so I chopped them up and tossed them in a pot with chicken broth and spiral pasta. It LOOKS good and it SMELLS good so I hope it IS good. Shaun also made bread with the bread maker. Should be a yummy dinner!