Thoughts and ramblings

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas comes early

We got our first Christmas present yesterday. Shaun's parents had said they were going to help us buy a dishwasher for Christmas, and on Friday we went to pick it out and Monday it was delivered!

I've never been so excited about an applicance. Ever.

I spend a lot of my day doing dishes. Between the 'adult' and the 'baby' dishes, I think I did about 4 loads. A dishwasher is definetly going to help that situation! Also, my counter is de-clutered. The drain tray is now put away, and the towel I used for laying out Patrick's dishes after they were washed is now hanging neatly. I will only have to do 1 hand-load a day, just bottles. YIPPIE!

I think Shaun is excited too since he won't have to listen to me complain about dishes! In fact, today I made muffins, and it was SO NICE just to toss the bakeware into the dishwasher and forget about it.

Speaking of Christmas, I am finally done designing, printing, addressing and stamping my Christmas cards. They look terrific, but they ate up an entire printer cartridge! Next year everyone will just get a generic dollar store cards with a picture inside. Oh well.

I'm also done my wrapping and its all under the tree.