Thoughts and ramblings

Friday, September 01, 2006

Family Fun!

My mother, sister and three nieces came for a visit yesterday! I haven't seen any of them in quite a while, so I was really excited! We had a great time -- we walked to 2 parks, spent time at the beach, visited while the girls watched "The Little Mermaid" and then went to another park before everyone headed back home.

Patrick had a terrific time too! He always has a great time with his cousins. He loves to play with them and they are sooo good about playing with him too. I'm glad that despite only seeing eachother once in a while, they get along terrificaly!

I think I'll be able to go 'home' next week, Tuesday - Tuesday because of Shaun working and going with his father to Ottawa to see his Nana. I haven't cleared this with my mom yet though!!

Speaking of Mom, she and Dad just got back from 10 days in the states. They brought me one of those collapsable storage containors -- VERY COOL and they also got Patrick a see-and-say which he is enjoying. They got Shaun maple syrup -- always BIG hit!

Today Shaun is working in Sprout's room getting the trim up, and after that he'll start on the closet! Yay!! I think I have all the accessories pulled together to finish it off, and I can't wait to get them up. I'm also looking forward to going through the buckets of baby clothes I have and washing and putting them in the closet & dresser -- this will have to wait until late November, early December.

Sprout has become more active over the past couple days. Right now he/she is measuring 7 1/2 inches from head to bum. At 24 weeks, she/he will be 15 inches from head to heal!! Holy growth spurt!!! :)