Thoughts and ramblings

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pregnancy carpal tunnel is kicking my @$$

And I'm very VERY tired of it.

Of course I expect parts of pregnancy to be uncomfortable -- afterall, my body is going through a HUGE change, but this is stupid.

I can't remember the last time I had a GOOD nights sleep. I wake up every 2 hours or so because of the pain in my fingers, wrist, arm, shoulder and back. Sometimes it takes me over 30 minutes to get it to 'wake up' to the point where it isn't tingly and painful. Often, it begins again as soon as I lie down, despite many attempts to get it to go away. I wear braces on both hands/wrists. I've been sleeping in the spare room so I can have my arms out straight or hanging off the bed - which used to work. Now nothing seems to work. Even waking up my arm by sitting up and letting it hang doesn't work - I actually have to consciously move the muscles isometrically to encourage the blood to flow.

During the day, it continues to be a bother, however because I am awake, I can catch it right when it starts, drop my arms, and wait for the circulation & sensation to return. While typing this I've had to stop about 7 times for 5-10 seconds each time. This may not seem like a lot, but it is really wearing on me.

While making apple crisps with dead apples last night, it took FOREVER to peal the apples because I had to keep taking breaks. Even washing dishes by hand requires me to be super quick or take breaks. Often while driving, I have to switch arms to let the other rest -- and I don't even go that far. When Shaun and I watch TV at night, I have to have my arms a certain way in my lap or dangling off the side of the bed, or they fall asleep, and even now, these things are starting to not work.

As far as I know, there is nothing I can do for this. I've been watching my salt intake and drinking lots of fluids. Beyond that, I have no idea. I see my NP today, and I am hoping she'll have answers.

I'm getting really emotional and grumpy due to this. I miss good sleep! I'm not sure how much more I can handle. Right now I just want to cry -- I gave up getting any sleep at about 5, had my shower at 5:45 and now I'm sitting here alone. At least if I was getting up with Kathryn, it would be a GOOD reason. I am so glad that Shaun is on vacation soon -- then it won't matter if I have a crappy sleep because I can nap during the day. He has 4 more shifts, and then he is off until January 2nd.

I'm 36 weeks, 6 days today, and I'm +24 lbs. And Ifeel like crap.