Thoughts and ramblings

Sunday, January 15, 2006

as per request -- an updated blog entry!

We had a great time out for dinner and at the movies. "Fun with Dick & Jane" was super funny, but did have some sad moments. I would recommend it though.

Cathy had her little girl, at 8:45 a.m. on the 12th. She named her Keira Madison, and she was a tiny 6lb, 2 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. She looks adorable and I'm hoping to meet her next weekend when we're down.

On Friday the 13th (insert corny 'twilight zone"-ish music here), I worked for 3 hours, and then we all went to baby group where Patrick had a great time flirting with the girls. Its not uncommon for him to be the only boy his age at baby group (there is usually another boy there, also a Patrick, who is 3) and he has a great time playing with new toys and making noises and faces at the girls. Shaun had a great time too, but felt a little out of place as he was the only daddy.

Saturday we cleaned the house. Its wonderful to have a mostly-clean house! I dusted, vaccumed, cleaned bathrooms and put laundry away. We had Shaun's parents over for dinner and had a cake to celebrate Shaun's birthday. Patrick was intruged by the candles!

So... Shaun's gone out to get us lunch, and Patrick is napping! I just finished cleaning out my old desk, which we're moving to the basement when my parents come to visit in March. Shaun finished putting the DVDs in the new DVD shelves that he put up yesterday, and we've decided on a colour for the hall-stairs-hall -- a greyish blue-- as well as a carpet runner for the stairs in grey. For my birthday, my mom is making me curtains for the living room that are very very very similar to the fabric on my couch, and she's also making me 3 'toppers' for the kitchen and dining room windows. We also got new pillows and a new blanket for the living room. Its quite a change.

Enjoy the sunshine everyone! Mmm.. lunch is home!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

All the boys are asleep

I just got back from getting groceries. I'm quite excited about the baby food I got -- 9 jars for $3.42! Thats only $0.38 per jar -- amazing! I've actually made most of Patrick's food, but jars are SOOOO much easier, especially when we travel, and now that he's eating 1.5 jars a day (plus cereal, yogert, cottage cheese, crackers, arrowroots, waffles, toast, pasta) my supply of frozen cubes is rapidly disappearing. I think I'll stick to jars from here on out!

Shaun is down with a migraine today, so its pretty much been just Patrick, the cats and me. Patrick fell asleep on the way home from the market, so he's asleep in his coat on the living room floor....and the groceries are thawing in the front hall because I'm worried about waking him with the sounds of the bags. After this, I'll put the radio on to dull it, and get to work.

Its been quite a while since I wrote, but nothing particularly interesting has happened. We're still baby proofing. Its a slow process. I had no idea it was going to be so involved. Oh well.

Tomorrow is Shaun's birthday, its also the day my friend Cathy is scheduled to have her c-section and welcome her little girl into the world. I can't wait.

Tomorrow morning, Shaun and I have an appointment and then we're going to the MTO to get our lisences renewed, and get stickers for the van. Should be an expensive day! Later that night, Shaun's mom is watching Mr. P. and we're going out to dinner and the movies. We'll probably see "fun with dick and jane".

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Ears!

I was thinking on my walk today that you really only get about 48 hours to use the phrase "happy new year" before it starts sounding weird and out of place. I'm planning to use it lots today, since it will be 365 more days until I can use it again.

That being said, we rang in 2006 while sleeping. Patrick went to bed fairly early, and we quickly followed. Its not very exciting, but thats the life of parents with young children! of course, there's no other place I'd rather be. No party can compair to being with my family.

2006 got off to a nice start. Shaun got up with Patrick around 6 and took him back to bed with him in the spare room, and we all got to sleep in till 9. After breakfast, Shaun and I continued with our baby-proofing / purging. Today's task is to organize our games, switch a book case, with a dresser, with a book case and then put all the stuff back in them. I LOVE re-arranging things, it makes everything feel new and just a little more interesting.

Did anyone make new-years resolutions? Mine is to have a happier outlook, and to relax more. I've started by setting aside 1 hour every Sunday for a walk BY MYSELF, and I thoroughly enjoyed today's walk. I got to clear my head and relax.

Enjoy the first day of 2006!