Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Twas the night without Patrick.....

After a few horrible sleepless, scream-filled nights, we're exhausted. Patrick is getting 2 more teeth (he already has 4) and everyone has been deprived of sleep. Shaun's mom & dad have offered to watch Patrick ALLLLLLLL NIGHT at their place, and we're looking forward to a FULL nights sleep -- its been a few months!

Stay tuned for tales of fully-rested bliss!

Its been a while.....

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a terrific time over the holidays.

It was Patrick's first Christmas which made it very special, and he got LOTS of great gifts from his family and friends. I'll try to remember them all, he was so spoiled!
  • Home-made folding Muskoka chair & Team Canada (hockey) jersey - Auntie Brenda & Uncle Cal & boys
  • Overalls & shirt - Uncle Abe & Barb
  • Cow rattle toy - Aunt Jay, Uncle Ron & girls
  • Dora the Explorer interactive book - great G&G H.
  • Track suit - Karen, Leo & girls
  • Coin set, denim toy bag, Nemo ornament - G&G F
  • Books, shirt & pants, rattle, fish puppett, stacking toy - Sara, Derek & girls
  • Money for education account - great Grandpa F
  • Leap Frog's Tad - great Uncle John
  • hand-made hat - great Aunt Doreen
  • Yellow & brown hat with bear design - Linda
  • Tractor Tom video - Auntie Boo & James
  • Leap frog playground, clothes - G&G M
  • Small wooden train set, books, tree ornament, roll-a-rounds, puppets, balls, activity atom, singing giraffe - mommy & daddy

Like I said, he was terribly spoiled!! He did try to get in on the fun. He really enjoyed the box from the stacking cups in his stocking and he enjoyed helping mommy rip the paper from a few boxes too. He was very very very well behaved, but cranky and tired by the end of the 25th, which is totally understandable.

Shaun and I had a great time too. On the 23rd we took a walk through Kay Cee gardens to see the lights. We bundled Patrick into his snow suit and put him in the sled. We were really surprised how happy he was! We took him out for a bit when the girls stopped to play on the playground equipment and put him in the baby swing which he thought was great! He laughed and smiled. On the 24th, we had Christmas at Sara's house, followed by a celebration of Sara's birthday that evening. On the 25th we headed back home and enjoyed dinner followed by more presents with Shaun's family.

On the 26th, Shaun and I went shopping! We didn't really get anything, but it was nice to get out without Patrick who was being watched by Shaun's parents.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Yippie! Shaun's last day!

Its Shaun's last day of work before his 7 weeks off: 5 weeks of parental leave and 2 weeks of holidays -- I can't wait! Its so nice having him at home, and having an adult to interact with. While he is off, we're going to 'Patrick-proof' the house so that when Mr. P gets moving, the house is a safer place for him. Currently he only rolls from tummy to back, and has no interest in moving.

I thought i was done my Christmas shopping but I'm not :( When Patrick gets up from his nap we have to go out and run some final (hopefully!) erands to get finished! Then tomorrow I can finish wrapping and printing out my grandfather's calendar. This is year 9 for the calendar if you can believe it!

Can someone please explain to me WHY Patrick wakes up so unhappy? He wakes up crying every morning, and when I go in to get him up, he only cries louder. I don't understand it, and I find it quite frustrating to always be waking up to an unhappy child. This morning he even cried through his diaper change and dressing, but was quite happy afterwards. I find it puts me in a bad mood for the morning, afterall its hard to be happy to someone who isn't, especially since I'm not a morning person.

Tomorrow is Haasnoot family Christmas at Shaun's grandparents place. Shaun's mom has been a little stressed about the whole thing so I hope it goes smoothly as per usual. Its also her birthday on Sunday so we'll be taking a cake, as well as cookies, homemade bits'n'bites and a turtles cheesecake that Boo came over last night to make with me. Speaking of cookies, I just finished icing, yes ICING my shortbread. When I made up the plate for tomorrow I was a little upset with how boring my plain shortbread looked beside my other cookies, so I made some vainilla icing and put multi-coloured sprinkles on them. Now they look terrific!

Yesterday I scrapbooked November in Patrick's book. I really like the way its turning out, but I'm really tired of the comments from people about how I won't have time to do this for #2. In fact, I'm pretty tired about comments from people about everything. Yes, this mommy needs a nap!

oooh. Aqua. Its snowing again, although we're not supposed to get too much snow today. There is quite a bit in the driveway, but I don't care, I'm not going to shovel it. :) So there.

We're going to Orangeville for Christmas on Tuesday, so if I don't get a chance to blog again, I wish you all a very merry Christmas filled with friends and family.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas comes early

We got our first Christmas present yesterday. Shaun's parents had said they were going to help us buy a dishwasher for Christmas, and on Friday we went to pick it out and Monday it was delivered!

I've never been so excited about an applicance. Ever.

I spend a lot of my day doing dishes. Between the 'adult' and the 'baby' dishes, I think I did about 4 loads. A dishwasher is definetly going to help that situation! Also, my counter is de-clutered. The drain tray is now put away, and the towel I used for laying out Patrick's dishes after they were washed is now hanging neatly. I will only have to do 1 hand-load a day, just bottles. YIPPIE!

I think Shaun is excited too since he won't have to listen to me complain about dishes! In fact, today I made muffins, and it was SO NICE just to toss the bakeware into the dishwasher and forget about it.

Speaking of Christmas, I am finally done designing, printing, addressing and stamping my Christmas cards. They look terrific, but they ate up an entire printer cartridge! Next year everyone will just get a generic dollar store cards with a picture inside. Oh well.

I'm also done my wrapping and its all under the tree.