Thoughts and ramblings

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Oh this kid makes me laugh!

Patrick made me laugh a lot yesterday. He's gotten such a personality and is such a ham when he wants to be. He's so aware of everything now and understands what you're saying. His vocabulary is growing every day too - which is really nice!

The first laugh-out-loud event happened when I took him to the grocery store. I had a prescription to pick up and a few items to get (green pepper, bananas, bread). Patrick knows when we go to the grocery store he gets a free cookie from bakery. Its always a surprise what kind it will be. I think they go through the display stuff and pull out things that are close to expiry to offer the kids which is fine. His favourite are the two-bite brownies. Messy but oh-so-good. I always pack him a bib and lots of klenex for the inevetable clean up afterwards.

We picked up the bananas, and green pepper and then stopped at the bakery. Today's treat was chocolate cupcakes. He said "please", then reached into the bin to get one, and then waved for thank-you as he can't/won't say it yet. Right away I noted there was a paper wrapper and tried to get the cupcake to get the wrapper off. He would have nothing to do with that! I figured he'd get the top eaten, and then I'd try again. It wasn't worth the battle.

We went over to the pharmacy to get my RX. By this time his face was getting covered in chocolate because he refuses to take bites - he just jams it into his face and chews continuously (makes a very VERY gross drooly mess running down his face!!). I asked for my prescription and while I was taking to the pharmacist about it, I wasn't paying full attention. My attention was only diverted for maybe a minute. I looked back - and the entire cupcake was GONE. Wrapper and all. ACKKKKKKKKK! He was still chewing, so I asked for some kelenex - I was going to dig the wrapper out of his mouth - but it was too late! I checked the floor to see if he had dropped it... but no such luck.

The little booger ATE it. He ate the wrapper! I couldn't believe it. This is the same kid that won't eat vegetables - but he'll eat paper?! YUCK! I just about threw up.

We're waiting to see what kind of diaper present we get as a result.

After lunch and his nap, the three of us went to play outside together. Kathryn was happily asleep in the swing in the living room so we could check on her by looking in the bay window.

The weather was sooo nice - sunshine and blue sky. Patrick got dressed in his outdoor duds and we had a great time playing in the driveway and on the road together. Our road is very quiet, so it wasn't an issue and Shaun and I were in the road with him. The ice at the end of our driveway was melting in spots creating puddles and lots of splashing fun! Patrick's happiness was so contageous - he was laughing and splashing and running up and down the driveway and in and out of the garage. He's such a hoot.

I really REALLY enjoyed being outside with him. I really miss the time we used to spend outside when the weather was nicer and I can't wait until we can go to the park again.